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  1. N

    The one...

    ** We have been on 2 dates and we talked for so long we closed the place both times. ** Change your way of thinking or you are dead in the water. Dude 2 dates... have you not learn't anything here? Take a step back - let her chase you..... have fun - stop worrying about the result and...
  2. N

    How do I win at this game? I'm a girl

    There are a couple of possibilities here. 1) He's still not over his ex - he's having contact with her or trying to get her back. In this case there is not much you can do - except ride the wave (if you so wish).... But if I were you I wouldn't wait around. 2) He's got someone else he's...
  3. N

    Candid Advice

    *** i honestly doubt that. i know as soon as her tests come back (hopefully she'll be ready to have sex with me....i can bet that. **** Sure she will - AFTER SHE KNOWS SHE IS STILL CLEAN... the red flag means - She doesn't have sex with you now, because she will not know...
  4. N

    Candid Advice

    Lot's of info. About the only thing I would have done different - it that I would have told her that I fvcked other women while out of the country. Why hide it? why not be open? It's a red flag that she will not have sex with you. If she misses you that much - cries about it...
  5. N


    What did you learn from this? Ultimatum never work... And if she gives ti up, she will blame and resent you for it. Bottom line, you have to decide whether you want to be with her if she does or doesn't smoke. If she does or doesn't drink. If she does or doesn't put on weight. You...
  6. N

    Wants to bring guy friend along

    A least you called it off.
  7. N

    hanging on an ex I dumped

    I agree. I think almost ever guy has that one girl that they were AFC for - fell for/invested emotional time with - that they are hung up on. This girl is yours. In time she will become less and less - although probably will never go away. Welcome to the big leagues.
  8. N

    Women are garbage.

    Your mentality is wrong.... Yes, there are a large percentage of sh#tty women out there. But that is not ALL WOMEN. look on the bright side of all this - you found out who she is and what she is. There are many more painful ways you could have found this out. This should just add to...
  9. N

    simple question

    You don't ask.... you do. You want to change from misionary to doggy? pull out, grab her by her thighs and flip her over.
  10. N

    Old Relationship.....

    I agree... If you are over her - be over her. Why would you want to complicate things in both your lives? There is something here that you are hiding.
  11. N

    To sex or not to sex...that is the question

    Dude. You don't want an LTR - so don't worry about it. just fvck her whenever you can..... Your inexperienced - the only way to get exeprience is to bang, Don't worry about it getting predictable.... Use you imagination... Use food, different places to bang, positions...
  12. N

    would you allow your gf to go on a trip?

    Just don't waste your time while she's gone. Make sure you get out there and hook up with other chicks - but tell her first that you both are free and single.
  13. N

    would you allow your gf to go on a trip?

    This is a no brainer. * Ultimatums DO NOT WORK - never issue one. * You cannot posses another human being. So what do you do? You have as much fun as you possibly can with her BEFORE she leaves. Fvck her brains out. Laugh. Experience - have a great time and DO NOT FOCUS...
  14. N

    Need some help with this situation->

    What is done is done. We've all been through it and moved on. The only thing that you should think about is what lies ahead in Florida. I would caution against being to nice to her though. She's not your Gf anymore. Don't be a symph with her, because you will look back and regret...
  15. N

    Need some help with this situation->

    I feel ya. I left got my own apartment. That first night I had nothing. A tv. Phone. and a sleeping bag. No pot's and pans. No sofa or chair. No computer. My phone line wasn't hooked up the first week, nor was my cable. I didn't even have a lamp to read at night. That was...