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  1. T


    Okay, since my first posting here a couple weeks ago I've been talking the responses I've received to heart, reading through the Bible. I've noticed one thing already. I'm getting different responses. Honestly, all I'm doing differently is telling women what I want and not asking them, or...
  2. T

    Advice: Gym Milf

    I've just started reading the HJB So been at my gym for a couple of years now and am on pretty good terms with most of the women who take the group fitness classes (BTW, amazing place to meet women), I may have waited to long to hookup with any of them though. There is one milf in particular...
  3. T

    Field Report: Failed date

    Buddha Mind as I distance myself from the emotion it's easier to see this. I probably also should have paid attention to a couple of red flags that I ignored initially: 1) she's studying psychology because its the ultimate form of manipulation and 2) when she's done she wants to work in a...
  4. T

    Field Report: Failed date

    I finally had a chance to read through your replies. I'm so glad I wrote this up because reading through your replies really helped to point out a lot of issues I missed when I was analyzing it. At this point I'm thinking the only thing I did right was clear her from my phone. One small, but...
  5. T

    Field Report: Failed date

    So if you would help me understand where I went wrong it would be appreciated. It started off good and seemed to end in a bust, this is not how it's supposed to be. And before we got too far, yes, I now know that a bar was a terrible ****ing idea. So I know M (33yo) from the gym, we...