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  1. G

    Did my Girlfriend Cheat?

    Thanks Guys, im going to take a step back observe and calm down. I will make a decision when im ready.
  2. G

    Did my Girlfriend Cheat?

    Listen, It was brought to my attention that she was texting all night by my sister who was sitting near her, i was at a different table. She was fine with me whenever isaw her, however i was able to check her phoner bill as i was suspicous and i saw this number multiple times that day, and...
  3. G

    Did my Girlfriend Cheat?

    Yes i do, we are very close, shes been a great girlfriend in the past, and we havent had a trust issue with before. But she has lied to me, and the fact it things were fine before christmas, then she goes home and shes acting cold, anxious and is clearly texting this person indicates that...
  4. G

    Did my Girlfriend Cheat?

    Hi All, This is my first post so id like to say hello to everyone. Im going to cut to the chase here, i have been going out with my GF for 1.5 years. I trusted her and was very happy with our relationship. However when we met up after christmas she was acting funny, distant towards me, and...