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  1. doctor1996


  2. doctor1996

    How To Meet Girls In Your Class And Date Them

    Wow that's to long. All I do is, if I'm on campus and see a girl that I think is attractive, I approach them. Talk for 10 minutes, and number close. After a few days of texting, I'll ask to get coffee or to drink. Keep in mind, got 6 girls numbers, 4 didn't work out, the other two yes.
  3. doctor1996

    The official Acne thread [Merged threads]

    Matter can neither be created or destroyed. Are you serious? How can you destroy something once it gets to its atomic level?
  4. doctor1996

    Getting a hairtransplant or dye my hair?

    Oh yeah the solution to every problem ...
  5. doctor1996

    Confidence, and looks.

    This was a while ago
  6. doctor1996


    Reread the PM's.
  7. doctor1996


    Yeah seriously. I sent out a text to one of my plates, a week ago.. and she never replied.. until last night, she messaged me 4 times saying "sorry" this and that.. I haven't replied. But like the DJbible says, and the other posts, carry on with your life, be different from the bunch, and you'll...
  8. doctor1996

    Plates messaging me

  9. doctor1996

    Plates messaging me

    I got one of my plates messaging me. She's really into me. But I don't want her that bad. How do I cut contact? Or should I just keep her as a back-burner? Opinions? I could probably get with her when she gets back in town, but I can do better than her. Shes around a 7
  10. doctor1996

    To desinova

    No do not use them lol - maybe coffee. BUT I do not recommend adderall. If you use it like I did, you will be depressed afterwards.
  11. doctor1996

    To desinova

    Pace yourself with the studying, in my third year I could tell you, 5-10 hours of studying 5 days a week for the past 2 years really took a toll on me mentally, emotionally, and physically. Taking physics right now, oh my god kill me. That class is brutal. The class average is 40/100 for 700...
  12. doctor1996

    To desinova

    No, I could care less. The fact that you have to prove yourself to a random person online shows me that you don't have lots to do. If you did have lots to do, you wouldn't give a ****. I'm not trying to attack you or anything, I know you're a bit defensive, just trying to help.
  13. doctor1996

    To desinova

    You really don't have anything to do but get bothered from random people online? Get a life.
  14. doctor1996

    What's a Craigslist service ad that would get female replies?

    Alright that's fine as well. I'm just following my passion in life, I don't care about money that much.
  15. doctor1996

    What's a Craigslist service ad that would get female replies?

    I don't think we are equal. I'm light-years ahead of you in almost every aspect. Lol.
  16. doctor1996

    What's a Craigslist service ad that would get female replies?

    Why aren't you banned already?