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  1. C

    Girlfriend on the pill

    Several reasons: 1) Just "incase" you two get carried away one night, she's already thinking ahead and being smart. 2) Makes your boobs bigger 3) Mostly though, it regulates a woman's period and lessens cramps and other PMS symptoms.
  2. C

    He said the "L" word then took it back...

    But when he kept asking and I wouldn't answer, I thought he'd get that I did mean it but was scared to say so...especially after he said "just wanted to see your reaction..." Ofcourse Im not going to admit it after he says that. lol. And when I said "you're cruel", he said "that means you do.."...
  3. C

    He said the "L" word then took it back...

    Hey, thanks for the reply. Thank you all, actually. I guess it did sound like I was going backwards. I didn't mean to come across that way. What I did mean by saying that it wasn't just the sex, was that we were pretty close even before sleeping together and I think I would've fallen for him...
  4. C

    to break up or not? help me..

    While waiting to break up with her until you go away to college may seem like the easiest way, in the long run it will be even more heartache. You may not miss her as much because you'll be living a whole new experience...but she'll be the one thinking about that. Sure, breakups suck no...
  5. C

    He said the "L" word then took it back...

    Why though? I'm not expecting anything more from this than what it is. (FWB) And I have never expected anything more from him. (wanted it, sure...but not expected) We both made it clear from the beginning what it was going to be, so I would never get upset with him for not wanting more. Infact...
  6. C

    He said the "L" word then took it back...

    Well Tails...sorry to tread on your stomping grounds. I see my coming here asking advice the same as if you were to ask a girl friend of yours for advice about the opposite sex. Correct me if I'm wrong? I see no "secrets" here, it's just helping me understand better how men think. While at the...
  7. C

    He said the "L" word then took it back...

    I'll big deal...I'm here to get advice. - We're both equally attractive. - Yes, off and on we have dated others. - No, we are both over 25 actually. - Yes we do maintain eye contact when we're intimate. - We do have long, sensual kisses. - No, because our arrangement is kind...
  8. C

    He said the "L" word then took it back...

    Huh? Sorry, I don't know the terminology and abbrevations around
  9. C

    He said the "L" word then took it back...

    Guys, need a little advice here....please and thanks! I'm a female (obviously) and was just wondering if any of you have ever tricked a girl into saying she loves you, even if you didn't feel the same? Here's the situation: In a nutshell, I've been in a "friends with benefits" relationship...