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    Having sex in HS

    Look girls in HS are so horny. They're craving a ****. So my question here is what year do you guys recomend fvcking? Im a Junior and i say girls in the junior or senior class. Maybe softmores but not Freshmen (too young) What do you guys think?
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    been a long time

    TELL her, "Your going to the homecoming dance with me, or if you don't think you can handle the fun/handle yourself being in the presence of a hot guy" If she declines, tease her about how she can't handle the fun or she can't handle herself.
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    Getting old!

    :crackup: The AFC's invaded myspace!!!??!?!?!!?!?! NICE MAN! Very inspirering!
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    doesn't it really just come down to looks?

    This is that 31 years of CHUMPNESS. THIS IS THE BASICS:crackup: :crackup:
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    YEA, she wants you. Next time the dream story about you comes up, say,"Yeah, it was just a dream" EDIT: Well if she told him about the dream, then......put 2 and 2 together.
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    Do ALL girls like a guy in command?

    Either way don't give in, that's CHUMPIIIIIIIINNNNNNNGGGG!!!!
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    Should I tell

    Bring that bitcch to court! I'd be fvcking angry if a got herpes!:box: :cuss:
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    Oh My ****ing God!!!!!!!!!

    Alright before we over analyse this (may be too late) ARE YOU SURE SHE WASN'T A VIRGIN AND YOU BROKE HER HYMEN (poped her cherry)?
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    The Evil Educational System: The Path to Slavery

    NOT TRYING TO CAUSE FIGHTS HERE, but you must be a democrat! ANYWAYS, 1.whats your goal in writing this post. The "system" is not going to change. 2. What does this have anything to do with sosuave.
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    The Evil Educational System: The Path to Slavery

    How can i read all that and not comment. Well i agree. You don't have to be smart to be good at school all you have to do is study certain things, NO THINKING INVOLVE. This girl dumb as a rock, gets High honer role.!! The comment you said about going to college longer then our parents...
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    Should I tell

    Dude, This guy wrote a book with a whole bunch of cures for everything even herpes. He said that cures where discovered a long time ago, BUT the FDA will not give you the cures, ONLY TREATMENT!!! WHY? Because you will keep paying for treatment, NOT FOR CURES. He discovered coral calcium...
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    playing hard-to-get

    You know, sometimes you need a challenge. But if you don't know how to play the game here, then she might turn you into an AFC. Like when she hung up on you. I would have hung up on her when she called back saying it was technical. My excuse would have been the same as hers.
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    Should I tell

    Re: Re: . --------------------------------- Yeah that's it. Don't tell anyone so you can spread the love. Just wait until you give it to some girl and she finds out what you're up to, then tells her brother or father. My guess is you'll be in traction for quite a while. BTW, this has to...
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    Situation...girl asks for something (a type of kiss)

    You tell her thats she has to return the favor in a kiss somewhere else. (LET HER MIND RUN, DON'T TELL HER WHERE) If she says "ooo you perv, im not giving you head" Then say,"OO no, I meant on the lips, No no no, you have a sick mind:"
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    playing hard-to-get

    If it where me it would go like this. ME: so then.... HB: (hangs up) Me: (Hang up) she wants to play games.................well play fvcking games. Thats if you game beat her!
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    Should I tell

    First get some TREATMENT! Ofcourse you got to tell her.
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    Longest legs

    WHAT WERE YOU DOING ON THAT SITE IN THE FIRST PLACE?:crackup: But yea she's got some real long legs. Her ass is not that great but those leg are almost as long as my d*ck!
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    Who is the founder of

    WHO PUT SOSUAVE.COM TOGETHER? He must be one of the biggest DJ's on here.
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    So things are alright, except for my feelings..

    WTF are you talking about? Are you a DJ or an AFC.? Look to the original question, well, she may be freeked out by you not touching her because you CAN'T wait 3 years to start stouching her, Thats just weird!!
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    Thinking too much

    This may seem obvious: -Don't think about the past. Concentrate on the future. -Concentrate at what is in front of you. -Live in the moment, not your past. -Relax and concentrate on not thinking. DUDE:confused: