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    Re: Re: Re: Bump wha?
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    sent someone a private message

    i sent someone a private message and it said in the message tracking: ****** Last online: 02:00 AM 01-01-1970 i am guessing that it is some kind of error can anyone explain?
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    he was banned b/c he wanted to be banned, someone please correct me if i am wrong
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    Yeah... I think it's time...

    what do u do to find yourself?
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    XBLITZ, the post was amazing, so many things i feel put into excellent words by you the thing is practice what? if you have to practice being confident then you arent confident if u have to practice talking to girls>? then i just feel sorry for you though i feel great every...
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    My change of attitude.

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    How big is everyone? How big/small do you want to be?

    right now im bulking so my abs arent showing and yes i do have more fat around my body. i weigh 200 lbs right now and want to put on 15-20 more pounds then ill do some cutting. to get down to 185. i have done this before no i will not look like ronnie coleman, he takes cutting steroids...
  8. D

    Havent been here in a while, Heres my program what u think??

    HOLY SH1T im cuttin back on the turkey (yea its called kava kava) i was wondering why i am always so damn tired after 8-9 hrs of sleep
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    Flaming hell you guys are anal over lifting weights too......

    calling a spade a spade is a term relating to cards spades, heats, dimonds, etc. when some one says they call a spade a spade it means that they are saying it as it is it has nothing to do with race besides i havent seen anything about race in this thread just about pu$$ies
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    reverse field reports, yay or nay

    would any girl of said any differently?
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    all the DJs here should start doing seduction homework

    ill stick with the girl 2-5 yrs older than me but thanx
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    all the DJs here should start doing seduction homework

    what you talked about above is nice but its pretty much been there done that i was looking for a challange thanx anyways
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    Flaming hell you guys are anal over lifting weights too......

    keto is the best form of cutting available. period. military press is solid but 200lbs **** i think im at 145 and i busted my balls to get that far
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    Neg Hit Database

    id stay away from that one slick
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    all the DJs here should start doing seduction homework

    i thought the seduction HW was gonna go into details of seduction and learning principals behind the actions
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    sick of sh*t

    i feel ya even as well as i am doing in all of my aspects of life i sometimes feel like the only thing i wanna do is sit and watch movies all day its not even depressing its just that i do not care thank goodness i keep myself busy or id be screwed
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    Leg Day !!!!

    stifflegged is what i meant ofcourse
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    Leg Day !!!!

    dude where are the deadlifts at?
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    How big is everyone? How big/small do you want to be?

    big as a truck 6ft 200lbs it should take me another 2 months to get to 220lbs (im hopin) then ill cut to about 180-185 look like a coll RB