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  1. S

    DJ Guide To Social Skills Part 2

    bump. I like the humour part.
  2. S

    This site has changed my life.

    Me too as well. Now I can TALK and JOKE to any girl hot or not. Before I didnt even dream about it... It also improved my "career" as well, the confidence is VERY important. Keep on the GOOD works fellas - squy (yeah just a nick) [This message has been edited by Squy (edited 06-21-2002).]
  3. S

    Be a Man!

    hehe, i did manage to talk to hot girls (in great outfits), something that i couldn't do for about 4 months ago.
  4. S

    Confessions of a Self-proclaimed "Nice-Guy"

    I just want to add a quote from Yoda "Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hatred, and hatred leads to the Dark side" which is the JERK.
  5. S


    OMG Challenge Guy do I KNOW you?? Then how the **** do YOU know ME that well??? I am deeply emotional touched dude.