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  1. D

    Pug's 100 approach journal

    Yes one does take longer than the other? SO my point is Pugs way is LONGER. If you like the longer way and the more painful way, go for it.
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    Pug's 100 approach journal

    Dude you got 24 hours in a day. You got between 3-8 hours depending on your mood in the place. Instead of putitng no effort and 80% chance of being told off for your 20 second questions to her. You can put in 5 minutes and get 20% chance of being told off. Why not use 5 minutes , you not...
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    Pug's 100 approach journal

    Okay fine, he got his girl. EVENTUALLY. How many girls did he have to go through? DUDE, If you tried something 1000 times obviously you going to get it right atleast once. Imagine you play soccer and you taking 10 penalties, one of them you are BOUND to score, its murphy;s law. Same with PUG...
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    Somehow salvaging a HB 10.

    I havent read your post, but one thing is for sure no girl is 10/10. I dont care what you say, she must have one flaw. Yes, you get 9/10- Supermodels. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This may be so she might be your 10/10 but HELL she definetly isnt universally accepted as that and you...
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    Pug's 100 approach journal

    thefonz: are you pugs bodyguard? The Pugs approach is not a proven method, you want to keep your confidence at its peak and you want girls, use the Don Juan method. Don Juan vs Pug? I think we all KNOW the winner.
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    Hot girl, afraid of blowing my chances

    I didnt read your post, but ive read your thread topic and the reason I have done this is because... 1. Who cares if she is Hot or Not 2. You treat hot girls like any other girl 3. What makes her so hot that you must say she is hot? To you she is hot but maybe to others she isnt, if you treat...
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    Movie Review: Hitch

    To argue is to improve oneself. If we can understand something like a movie, we can sure as hell learn to understand woman.
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    ur favorite way to start a conversation

    PRMoon: your approach is shocking, you remind me of the guys I laugh at when im clubbing. Why you are wrong? 1. Your a wuss to buy her a drink 2. You need to "buy" the girl to have just to SPEAK to you 3. You sound like you prob go for *****s on the street 4. She will "use" you 5. Big...
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    Movie Review: Hitch

    I guess they all AFC?
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    We all going to die, we all going to get OLD. Tommorw, your wrinkle will grow. Your hairs will get GREYER. You will get weaker. Your height will decrease. Your SPERM will go -- Viagra. Your hair will go. Your muscle will go. Your tan will go. Your looks will go. Your friends will go...
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    Movie Review: Hitch

    Ever thought that the people that MAKE the REVIEWS are clueless about love and clueless as to what a Don Juan is? So 80% of the time the review you will see wil be based on the "funny" side of the movie because like MOST people in the world they HAVENT a clue even in the movie their are some AFC...
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    the new don juan crew

    IM IN What is this "AIM" that every1 is talking about?
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    Movie Review: Hitch

    I dont agree MetalFortress and aequitas. Call me irrational. I dont follow trends, I create them. So therefore I wont be following the trend that the 2 of you are trying to set. Do you guys honestly think they made the movie just for the laugh? It was made for a laugh AND most importantly for...
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    I've been such a f'king sucker!!!!

    rgeere: You become weak or you have weak moments when you not in control of yourself. You obviously dont have full control of yourself, before I started learning I had my weak moments but now that I have learnt, you should NEVER have one. Jariel made that mistake by trusting her, how can you...
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    I've been such a f'king sucker!!!!

    By you guys encouraging him that its o.k, B.S. its not o.k, he got taken for a fool, he must be shown NO MERCY otherwise how is he ment to learn from his mistakes? And yes he made a mistake otherwise he would have her?
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    Are you Good-Looking???

    Zairi: Where are you from? You got some fine girls in that group of people...
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    Are you Good-Looking???

    Layla: wassup bro? How goes?
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    I've been such a f'king sucker!!!!

    Ive seen about 5 threads in the last hour about all you guys complaining how you getting played and how much of a looser you are or whatever. Whats your guys problems(not aimed only at you, Jariel, but other threads tonight too) You guys are either 1. Not learning properly 2. Not learning...
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    She flirted heavily, but rejected me

    Dont say Ive never felt this way about anyone...thats B.S talk. Love is Conditional - Go read the Quick Tip. AND now... Try asking for her number again, if she says "no" again , ask her why not? Then let me know what she says...
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    my 1st Pug style approach

    I think its a stupid approach and it can certainly dent ones confidence. Rejection here is more of a risk than success. We have 100's of articles written on this very website explaining how to introduce oneself, Did Don Juan use PUG's method? No. Because PUG aint no Juan, he is a desperate guy...