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  1. E

    You will never have the goddess

    On the contrary. Typically the more attractive the girl, the more challenge. I admit that easy pu$$y is great and all but a challenge is good. When I lose the pounds and put on some serious muscle (my guess is that it will be sometime in 2005), my goal is to nail one of the cheerleaders of my...
  2. E

    Going ONS Mode at the Club

    Coming from a kid who attends a college that was ranked #13 in Playboy's Party Schools, there is a lot of parties to test this out in. Although I've kind of given up on the party scene for various reasons but anyway: - Most girls go to a party to get wasted and find a guy. Most girls who...
  3. E

    15 blunt and utter truths about women

    WTF? Nobody is moaning about women. I don't think you even got the point of the post. The point of the post is to help you take women off of those BS pedestals society has placed her on and look at most women as flawed people, just like most men. No, really?
  4. E

    Learn from Me

    To me, those that feel a girl is needed to complete their life shouldn't have a girl. Why? A girl should be nothing more than a companion that connects with you on a physical and emotional level. You should still be an independent person without her or else all this is going to do is cause...
  5. E

    15 blunt and utter truths about women

    True. People should do whatever they feel is best. However I believe this is truth and has been reinforced to me so many times that I've lost count months ago. The Female gender is one of the most confusing genders because ask each man about a woman and odds are you will find someone with...
  6. E

    The Art of Sexual Gratification

    One of the things that I notice that you can get any woman with is true sexual compliments. Of course, looking like Chester the Molester will result in a restraining order but if you look like our unfortunate character, then you won't find much, if any, success with women. Thats another topic...
  7. E

    15 blunt and utter truths about women

    This may not be directed to this board as much as the dating society in general. Each and every day I see more and more chumps basically hand their balls over to females so they can treat them like crap and cheat on them. Then the man likes to brag about how they made out the last night. Good...
  8. E

    Want more HB's to notice you

    Hell yeah, a buff body will do much better. I don't think its coming in as I see a lot of girls talk about how they want Ashton Kutcher, Johnny Depp, or Orlando Bloom. Yet I see people with their exact same physiques every day in college and barely get acknowledged by any girl, let alone an...
  9. E

    Want more HB's to notice you

    What to do to impress women? Its hard to say because women like different things. The biggest one here is body type. For one, for the love of everything that is Holy, do not believe the Abercrombie model is the best body. Too many girls say a lot of nonsense so don't listen to them. The...
  10. E

    -=The KING of the Life You Lead=-

    The king of the life you lead...something more and more people need to do often. However many people are simply scared of being alone or not having everyone agree with you 100% or whatever the reason is. Followers will always have this mindset like they have to impress everybody and that often...
  11. E

    Buster B's Women to avoid

    College is kind of the time where you find yourself. For me, I am becoming more and more liberal with my thoughts. Not to the point of tree hugging but who knows down the road. Not all college girls will become feminist. The ugly ones will because given how easy the normal-hot ones are, the...
  12. E

    Buster B's Women to avoid

    It is. Odds are that she heard other girls talk about how hot you are and this is making her jealous. So she wants to ensure that she has you so she'll tell you to gain weight so the girls won't say anything. Next time a girl says that to you, give her a quick pimp slap and keep her in check...
  13. E

    es_mer8's Guide To Quality Sex

    Sex is great isn't it? I've heard a lot of comments ranging on sex from "Its amazing" to "Its slightly better than masturbation." To the people saying the latter, odds are that they just aren't having good sex. Its no surprise, a lot of guys I know that are having sex are doing 2-3 minute...
  14. E

    Buster B's Women to avoid

    Molding by a woman is a good idea if thats what you want to do deep down. If you have a keg belly instead of a six pack and she wants to you lose weight and lift more then she might just be the kick in the ass you need to get motivated to do so. Another thing about molding - if a girl tells...
  15. E

    Stirred Up The Hornet's Nest Over At with my "Tips"

    Yep. I live in the dorms which works very well now that after putting some effort into fixing up my room. A friend of mine last year when I was a senior told me how crazy it was and how just about every girl is an easy lay. Compared to how the girls at my HS were (snobby, uptight), it...
  16. E

    Stirred Up The Hornet's Nest Over At with my "Tips"

    4 year school (Iowa State) Maybe its Iowa but there aren't too many gay people in my classes. A lot of melodramatics but I think they are straight. Nerdy kids...possibly but they pretty much just keep to themself although it annoys me when I show up first in class and then all the sausage...
  17. E

    Stirred Up The Hornet's Nest Over At with my "Tips"

    Good post. One possible reason why musicians, artists, etc. get laid is once again, due to power. Most artists end up without getting anything because they have a reservoir of psychological problems but just think about how many paintings or songs have affected the lives of people. Some...
  18. E

    Time to leave

    I have decided to take an absence for an extended amount of time. I have no idea when I will be back. I decided to leave because I want to see how well I can do without the world. I printed off about 20 pages of DJ Bible material in case I have withdrawals :) So anyway, take...
  19. E

    Xenadrine RFA: Where?

    Funny, my dad used ephedra for years and never had a thing happen to him. It all depends on the person. I'd honestly go for the ephedra free products anyway. I think there is a Xenadrine EFX that is ephedra free. Anyway, even with that ephedra free stuff, take it in moderation and then end...
  20. E

    When your best buddy is a very attractive guy

    I was told by some of my friends that at parties, I am the most attractive one and as a result, I get the lion's share of the ladies. All I got to say is that you never c0ckblock your more attractive friends. The people that do this to me are lucky I'm a laid back guy or else I'd honestly beat...