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  1. G

    Impending Greatest Depression

    It won't be a depression, it will be anarchy. Jews had the year of Jubilee once every 50 years throughout history, instead, the Western world continues to use debt to pay debt. What happens when it becomes unsustainable? The bubble bursts. Unfortunately, it's a very fine balance to get us...
  2. G

    Teach me how to fight

    Whose to say you won't be that d!ckhead drunk off his stool? :cheer: If your drinking at college and partying, you well could find yourself in that role. And if you get in a fight as that drunk, expect it to be real real scrappy, no matter how much training you've done. Drunk = uncoordinated!
  3. G


    Devestating news on So You Think, ah well, hopefully he is a good sire, his setting a record in Australia 66k for one pop! Too bad he didn't get a revenge match against some of those other horses with proper training, you don't often see a trainer come out and admit they were completely wrong...
  4. G

    CERNs biggest discovery I'm not a physics nerd but I basically understand this allows us to assign matter to varoius particles. In layman terms, what does this actually allow us to do? What are the next steps?
  5. G


    Yep, calling Frankel the greatest horse doesn't go well with me either, considering he is yet to race pretty much all the top horses on the planet, from other middle distance horses such as Monterosso, Danedream, Cirrus, So You Think. If he travels, takes on these horses and puts them behind...
  6. G

    Thought experiment - where do you lie?

    I disagree on TV shows, I watch a lot of junk because I use TV as a time for my brain to space out. Last thing I want to watch is something I have to concentrate, when I spend all day doing that. I read a lot more about physics, finance etc because of innate curiosity, but not so when it comes...
  7. G

    What is your annual income?

    How does answering a poll make somebody arrogant (or not humble?). Your obviously not from the part of the world I am, in the financial world, people who make good money go about telling everyone else about it! And yes, most of these people are arrogant and would answer the poll and most would...
  8. G


    Well said backbreaker.
  9. G

    What is your annual income?

    Every dog has it's day. Sometimes your up, sometimes your down. Never get carried away and arrogant because your up, because you will soon be down. My partner always used to wish we had more income, because we were living dirt poor years ago and her little sibling was living well with her...
  10. G

    What is your annual income?

    My comment was in relation to Bible Belts point: "The median income in rural Illinois where I live is about $20,000 and more than half of the people live below the federal poverty line of about $12,000." If the median (as you defined above) is 20k, then more than half the people can't live...
  11. G

    Thought experiment - where do you lie?

    People are inherently narcissistic I believe, so the majority of votes are going to be 5 or higher. Its the same as most people think they are above average IQ, above average athletacism yadda yadda, impossible for the majority to be above average.
  12. G


    Horse racing and boxing used to be the biggest sports in the world and in America. They were the common mans sports and still are IMO. I love the romance and history of the two sports, such colourful personalities involved and such sublime history. I was born in the wrong era!
  13. G


    More Joyous has only ever won 1 group 1 race at 1400 (the absolute upper limit of Black Caviar so far), her other 5-6 group 1 wins have come above that limit. She could race the sprinters, but it appears her best distance is a mile. Rain Affair is meant to be the next Hay List, the type of...
  14. G

    What is your annual income?

    Why not?
  15. G

    What is your annual income?

    Median is the half way point. Is 20k the average income amongst those who actually work?
  16. G

    Thought experiment - where do you lie?

    I think the idea of 'alpha' is too black and white. Same as people ask if you are a leader or a follower, when some people are just lone wolves. Alpha also depends on the situation, amongst a club, I am probably a lot more alpha, than I am in a work environment. And if your skillset is higher...
  17. G


    Na, Atlantic Jewels last race before the spell was against Rain Affair, a sprinter, over <1600. But yeh, the plans are to take it longer as it comes to age. More Joyous def doesn't race the sprint races, so no way it would race Caviar over 1400 or <. But More Joyous and Atlantic Jewell will...
  18. G

    What is your annual income?

    Your link is the distribution of annual household income, you are asking what 1 persons income is. I don't know how a couple could get by on any less than 85k without sacrificing a lot in life, let alone when they have kids! Bigneil, 8% of members make more than the average HOUSEHOLD income...
  19. G


    Ah k, gottya. Yeh she has had similar injuries, so they reckon she will race again (they were originally talking about retirement after the scare). Still a disappointment she wasn't healthy to run a proper race and then take on the July Cup and then Asia (with a hopeful meeting against Rocket...
  20. G


    So You Think while being a middle distance horse, then attempted a Melbourne Cup, a huge ask and ran 3rd. 5 Group 1s in Australia, before moving to Europe (and being trained poorly, admittedly by the trainer), then won 5 more Group 1s in Ireland, and the UK. He then was taken to France for the...