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  1. N

    Social experiment: Pick from 1-10
  2. N

    Social experiment: Pick from 1-10

    Almost.. there
  3. N


    Dolphins are friendly. See?
  4. N

    Social experiment: Pick from 1-10

    Just vote and stfu.
  5. N

    Social experiment: Pick from 1-10

    Halfway there already.
  6. N

    Phone number then flake?

    Text her instead. Also, are you doing things the same way as when you were not getting flakes? It might be that you're using "pick up material" in an uncalibrated manner and this is causing it to work against you.
  7. N

    Social experiment: Pick from 1-10

    Once this reaches 100 votes, I will tell you why. Thanks
  8. N

    Was your dad an assertive alpha? Or a boring beta?

    My dad is a b also. He's a very quiet reserved guy, but he's very hardworking and rarely gets mad.
  9. N

    Duchess of Brussels caught banging in public

    Impressive how ya'll go to large distances to turn a lighthearted thread into a total sh;tfest. You guys must be a real treat to hang out with. haha
  10. N

    busy clubs/bars with 150+ people vs bars with 25 people

    I've never been attracted to bars with only a few people. It seems that I should check it out tho.
  11. N

    Erection Problems

    Tell your "friend" to drink more water. I drink 6-8 cups of tap water daily and my energy is noticeably higher than the day when i dont drink as much. This really helps my erection, now my erections are healthier and more throbbing. And if you think I'm joking I got the pics to prove it. >>...
  12. N

    Paul Janka - Day Game legend - Video proof

    Instead of criticizing him you should look at yourself and see if you can act the way you really want to act without the fear of getting the girls irritated.
  13. N

    Paul Janka - Day Game legend - Video proof

    One can not make all girls like him, but one can approach all the girls he likes.
  14. N

    Does stimulus create any real long-term employment?

    You're right, by itself it does not provide economic growth. The better question is does stimulus motivate businesses and consumers to increase spending. The answer to that is a little more debatable, but i would say it is also ineffective at this. The only "good" thing that stimulus provides is...
  15. N

    What time does the narwhal bacon?
  16. N

    Duchess of Brussels caught banging in public

    The vid got deleted but i found another one. I'd do the same thing if I had a castle.
  17. N

    Best way to know you had a failed date...

    Ouch. Things like that turn some people into serial killers
  18. N

    Capitalism at its finest

    Interesting. I'm really curious as to where illegal drug manufacturers fit into this. Do they create wealth or cause no change?