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  1. Blackmm

    Dating in early 40's

    Since the 30's issue seems to be more addressed here, I thought I would open a dialog about things to expect when reaching your 40s and still out there dating. A little about myself, I'm 42, never been married and have no children. I'm financially comfortable, have my own home and good career...
  2. Blackmm

    Guys with gym game experience

    I don't know how it is in other states, but in Oklahoma, it seems that the hottest females usually go to the female only gyms or stick to the female only workout areas and the chicks who work out in the general pop areas are the fatties or old chicks (40+).
  3. Blackmm

    Random Hot Girl Adds Me On Facebook(PICTURES)

    You beat me to it. Judging by her size, that's a lot of weight on that bar. Looks like she is in her boyfriends bedroom.
  4. Blackmm

    Rate my looks?

    Nice pic but you are going to attract a ton of fat chicks with that on your profile. Like someone else said, it exudes a nice guy, someone love me vibe.
  5. Blackmm

    shady chick - you gotta hear this.

    Yeah, I was listening to the Ustream show when she called in. That Ho was shady as hell with her fake rape accusations. I've dated a chick who was raped in the past for real and I will tell you that they are not that nonchalant about the ordeal no matter how long ago it happened.
  6. Blackmm

    Anyone ever bang a woman this hot?

    Nice tits but at her age, she has some serious miles on her.
  7. Blackmm

    The loneliest hole

    Interesting topic title. My first thought was the one that was exit only.
  8. Blackmm

    Women on the front lines in Combat

    Here is the real reason why you don't have front line females fighting and it has to do with hygiene. In certain combat zones, soldiers may have to be in a single spot for weeks at a time if not months. Men can go without taking a bath or shower for a long time without any serious health...
  9. Blackmm

    GF missionary & doggy only

  10. Blackmm

    got a bank teller's number - when should i call?

    What, no questions about her night deposit box???
  11. Blackmm

    Radio contest

    Enjoy sloppy 122nds
  12. Blackmm

    Using a cell phone jammer in night game

    It would be pretty interesting to see how many chicks would fake being on the phone to ignore you.
  13. Blackmm

    How do I play these chicks at work?

    The best advice is to not get your meat from the same place you get your bread, meaning don't mess with chicks on the job if you have a decent career going.
  14. Blackmm

    Is it possible for men to have bi-polar disorder?

    One reason you don't encounter too many Bipolar men is because they are usually in jail and prison. Who is going away first? A BP chick who beats up on her BF or a BP dude who beats up on his GF. Which one is going to convince a judge and jury that they have a mental disorder and not just a...
  15. Blackmm

    really cute chubby girls

    Can a 200lb chick be sexy?? I don't see any fat or grotesque man muscle on her.
  16. Blackmm

    Why you fail trying to pick up most white women (when you are non white)

    Very deep video from Dr johnson. I remember comedian Lisa lampenelli saying her choices were limited and it was white guys who look like Jared Fogel or black guys that looked like LL cool J. That kind of put some things in perspective.
  17. Blackmm

    The Delayed Reaction of your Health

    I have a similar philosophy that I had to earn my shower, meaning that I Didn't deserve a shower unless I was dripping with sweat from a good workout.
  18. Blackmm

    Why you fail trying to pick up most white women (when you are non white)

    Those types you mention seem to be of a very basic variety and usually can go both ways. I think the lower down on the social economic scale you go, the more likely they will date a black guy openly if she is attracted to him to begin with. Before Anna Nicole got famous, she dated black guys.
  19. Blackmm

    Why you fail trying to pick up most white women (when you are non white)

    Since no one has attempted to tackle this issue, I will give my 2 cents. A while back, someone did a study of the average wealth of people based on sex and race. IIRC, white females have an average net worth of $42k compared to other races (Black women $5 and Hispanic women $100). Most...
  20. Blackmm

    Seperate bank accounts vs. Shared Bank Accounts

    Lets say you do share an account with your girl. All is cool until she falls behind on a loan, stops paying her credit card or something that sends the credit collectors after her. The first thing the bill collectors will look for is an account with her name on it (Banks share this...