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  1. C

    No results

    krd, I know what you are saying. Let me ask, answer if you want or ignore it, it's really not my or anyones business, and I respect any decision of yours on answering, really. Virgin? yes or no? You I mean. I ask b/c the emphasis I sense is on your question makes me ask. Not trying to demean...
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    No results

    Your'e trying too hard. Quit looking for a GF. Let 'her' stumble upon YOU. Immesrse yourself in your life, and where you are aiming it, forget all the other frills.
  3. C

    Try this for a confidence+attitude injection

    Hey cool tip man, and so true.
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    Too Busy For Women

    Hey good post. I can relate to it alot. Also I know what you mean by using others doubts of you as motivation, rather than dwelling on them. But there is a fine line where you should do things for YOU, not to prove them wrong, so that they aren't your motivation, but you heard their BS, and you...
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    Nice Guy or Jerk? Who Has More Potential?

    Well here is my opinion, from experience and from observing others. If you are the 'nice guy', as in needy, always giving her attention, basically putting her on a pedestal, you lose. This is common knowledge. But I have seen guys that buy gifts, return her 'I Love You' everyday, do favors for...
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    Charm and Charisma

    Yes, being a master of charisma myself, often to the point of people wanting to be around you becomes a pain in the ass, I agree w/ your list. It's true. The listening to other's is key IMO, really listen, and give a shyt, it'll work wonders. Speak when you have something to contribute, not b/c...
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    Wow! Completely called out on my own games

    *How often do women actually straight out ask the exclusive question?* When their interest is high enough that they want to be exclusive, which 'sounds' like your chick. I've NEVER asked a girl that in my life, except for the 4-5th grade shyt, where that is how it was done, when you're that...
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    Hot and Cold, Hot and Cold, Drive them Wild!

    Yea bizarre indeed, Powetrip. As much of a MALE as I am, it's strange man, if it's there for the taking (a girl), often I lose interest. The same as after I slept w/ her, if I wasn't REALLY into her before I got he in bed, then my interest plummets, I just lose motivation w/ some, well most of...
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    Signs of Attraction

    It's subconciuos, they can't contorl it. You either pick up on it or not. I've never tried to focus on if her pupils dialate, but knowing the info is valuable, if you can't appreciate that, your loss. It's never been the deciding factor for me in asking her out or going for the kiss. But w/ so...
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    Signs of Attraction

    I read here or somewhere, that is one of the truest signs of attraction. I beleive it. Said that the eyes are the windows to the soul, as cheesy as that sounds, it's true. The subconcious ones are dead ringers, like the pupil thing, her nervous around you, skin flushing red around you, they...
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    rejection collection

    Suucint and to the very important point! Much respect to you 2nd Tour! This post is great, as well as your attitude. Rock on , my man.
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    Learn to "ignore" a woman

    IDJ, I am not flaming you at all, but want to help. From reading your posts, I am convinced you are trying too damn hard. Also, that you are focusing on the reasons things will NOT work out w/ the ladies! You seem to be dissecting every little thing, and how it may affect her. I think you are...
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    Hot and Cold, Hot and Cold, Drive them Wild!

    Good post man. I think this can be one of the hardest parts of DJing. When you know she is interested, it 'can' be hard to turn your back, cause you know she can get some other dude easily. Her knowing that too is her greatest fault. She knows she can get a guy whenever she wants. Think, if...
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    Learn to "ignore" a woman

    IDJ, sorry but I KNOW you are way off on this. Powertrip and Jake Steed nailed the reasons why. They are right, and I KNOW it to be true. If you shower her w/ attention like all the AFC's and act like she is a princess, and that you are honored she is even acknowlodging you, then what else...
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    The Rise Of AFC'ism

    Killer post Nine Breaker! Truer words have never been spoken. This deserves to be in the DJ Bible IMO. The evidence of this is so clear it amazes me. Women through reinforcement of AFC nice guy chumps have themselves on a pedestal. They truly expect that a guy will have them on a pedestal from...
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    the essence of a dj

    That is exactly right. You 'not caring' is the very thing that puts you on her mind, and drives her to have you. Of course that needs to be toned down a little once you do have her. Good post.
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    Back to being apes?

    I read this post when I got in from work and surely felt it deserved a BUMP. It seems fukkin so true from what I've experienced.
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    Be realistic about NEXTing

    DB, I see your points and agree w/ some. You can give up to easy, b/c even if the girl is interested, she's gonna yest you. But here is the truth. If she has high interest, and tests you, or tries to pull a power play on you, to gain control and make it seem your interest is higher than hers...
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    "Tips for Snagging a Waitress II - The Barmaid"

    Hey this is a good post man. I've been shot down a number of times by barmaids and alot of the things you said don't do, I was doing. (not the 2 visits in a shift deal thank goodness) But I like the 'insider' analogy, that's true. These girls are hit on a hundred times a shift by chumps.
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    Learn to "ignore" a woman

    This is very true. And the hotter the girl, the more it annoys the hell out of her. Often I have seen that turn into interest.