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  1. G

    College 'sugar babies' date for cash

    yeah, you HIDE behind the net and laugh. but in person, you laugh and i'd break you in half.
  2. G

    SCIENCE SAYS: Women want men to be miserable

    Just ask Fidel Castro or Mao Xdong. he way to score new pvssy EVERY day for decades is to be the leader of some tyrannical gov't, and send men with guns to BRING women to you .
  3. G

    I won the genetic lottery

    why should anyone gaf, hmm?
  4. G

    My beef with martial arts

    why not? well, there's the BAD idea of just ASSUMING that it;s ok to LET people hit you, which is what boxing does! It teaches you to not fully clench your hand, it teaches you to just IGNORE the lower body, HORRIBLE weakness! It teaches you to not grab, or worry about being grabbed, all sorts...
  5. G

    My beef with martial arts

    yes, but he WON the criminal case, and he's apoor ****,. so he'll never pay anythng. also, witnesses established that the 4 attackers STOPPED at the site of his gun, and he shot them anyway, pursuing one and shooting him AGAIN as he laid there, wounded. also, he was stupid enough to not kill...
  6. G

    Social Status / Women Explained

    hey, only about 1 guy in 5 can be alpha, so guess what you other 80% ?:-)
  7. G

    Social Status / Women Explained

    God, no wonder that I avoided them all thru high school. what a pain in the ass.
  8. G

    Casually dating...knocked her would you handle this one??

    i say that you have a RARE GEM in her and that you'd better marry her ASAP.
  9. G

    the final battle... sex in longterm relationship

    if have a kid, get a vasectomy, and have her do the injection into fallopian tube sterilization. Pills and shots are unhealthy
  10. G

    I am absolutely horrible with women and want to change...

    yeah, everything that's contrary to your SO WONDERFUL world is "spam", aint it, you little punk? Well I got a newsflash for you. The way most guys go at this crap is what is ruining women. Women only have power over men because men GIVE it to them! Learn to ignore them until you get things set...
  11. G

    To Guys, Women Seem Stupid and Crazy. Get used to it

    GOOD women aint, but they are rare in US and here, typically, have men crawling all over them, or are securely hooked up with one guy.
  12. G

    Soft eraction

    commit suicide. you are fvcked. :-) try FEMALE condoms? dunno anything about em, myself, but I do know that they exist. Probably have to FIT her, tho. I hate the male ones, have almost never used them,. but I've been damned careful whom I fvcked, with a couple of rare exceptions, way back in...
  13. G

    Man Gets Revenge on Wife

    almost certain to cost him more than her, due to "just us" system, and her ability to suck off some lawyer.
  14. G

    I think Steve Harvey is the best show ever.

    Sean Hannity's show is pretty good, usually. Altho much of our population is too stupid to realize it.
  15. G

    no sex, no love no nothing

    up yours, punk nobody MAKES ANYONE read my posts. If you don't like them, simply ignore them. Punks like you CANT, tho, cause you known GD well that I post interesting stuff, and since you CAN'T think of anything original YOURSELF, all you CAN do is bvtch about me, from the sidelines, where you...
  16. G

    Other guys

    yeah, pussies think that it's fiction, but my dad knew the guy, too, and after it had gone on for a year or more, his comment was"there's gonna be blood over this yet". :-) It actually continued over a 30 year time span, altho I was gone from that area for many years. She came to ME, man. I...
  17. G

    Novels with true alphas?

    fvck you, I read a LOT, and any punk who thinks I'm beta is looking to get his nuts pulled off.
  18. G

    A Woman's value is 99% her sex appeal

    u aint been around the block much, dude. There's women carpenters, car mechanics, there's even a few who can REALLY handle a gun, drive a car, ride a motorcycle, and kick ass in a hand to hand brawl. A very few, but they do exist.I've trained a couple of them myself.
  19. G

    My beef with martial arts

    yes, vs other people with no training. :-) I have only had to actually strike guys a very few times. Once, i stopped a front snapkick just in front of a guy's nose, and he flung himself backward so hard that he cut his head on something. He remained there, on one knee, cursing me, but no fight...
  20. G

    My beef with martial arts

    yes, I do teach differently. the first time you hurt a student is normally the last time that you see them. I've never seen a place or people as stupid as you have apparently run across.