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  1. K

    Michelob Ultra: any thoughts?

    Thanks for this input. I tried the Michelob Ultra. It's not without it's charms, but yeah, it's a marketing tool, nothing else. I'm sticking with Boddington's or Harp.
  2. K

    Thinking You’re The Prize is BS

    It's the classic "chicken or egg" debate! The whole "think you're the catch" argument is a great motivator, but it won't make you successful all by itself. You have to become the catch, which means getting off your a$$ and making it happen. In order to get motivated, you have to visualize (i.e...
  3. K

    Feminism on Trial!

    Excellent post as always. Keep them coming. My $.02 on feminism, other that it's utter shiat and needs to be abolished, is that there are some truly fiendish guys out there who have actually hurt women in ways that most of us can never possibly imagine. Those few have ruined things for the...
  4. K

    The Secret of the Jerk

    Hey, what can you say that hasn't already been spewed by a few thousand other DJs in training who should be out doing stuff instead of sitting in front of their computers. Still waiting on that fruitcake post, though :)
  5. K

    Michelob Ultra: any thoughts?

    I like partying with my friends on the weekends. It's fun, and it's a great way to meet women. But now that I'm starting to get more serious about my health and appearance, I'm trying to find ways to lose the beer gut. So I've seen this ad campaign for Micehlob Ultra, and I was wondering if any...
  6. K

    The importance of driving yourself

    Okay, here's a rule that's easy to follow and to break. You should always drive yourself in every possible situation. Two things this will do for you. If you're out clubbing, you'll pace yourself with the drinking, maintaining a functioning brain so when you do talk to the hottie checking you...
  7. K

    DJ Boot Camp - Week #1

    End of first week (well, week and a half, but we had holidays in there somewhere :) ), anyway: Walked around downtown during lunch last week. Pretty busy, thanks to gorgeous weather. Made positive eye contact with about twenty people in thirty minutes. Most either looking down at feet or at...
  8. K

    DJ Online Correspondence University... Classes starting soon!

    Hope this thing is going, because I'm starting today (kind of an early New Year's resolution).
  9. K

    Should I feel like this?

    I've been working out regularly for the last month or so. Usually cardio stuff, some weights, not really into a routine yet. Still trying to get up and go to the gym on a regular basis. Anyway, I missed a day last week, and when I left work later that day, I suddenly slipped into an incredibly...
  10. K

    Music that makes that special night go just right.

    Okay, I'm glad someone else started this thread, because this is the part where I have spent a lot of time researching (i.e. listening to music). Now, maybe this just comes from my club kid days, but I think having some obscure tracks to lay down will help out in this area. If nothing else, it...
  11. K

    Fine tune your sense of humour

    I hate to recycle other people's jokes, but here's a couple that should get you laughing. (very monotone)"I finally got around to reading the encyclopedia. It turns out the zebra did it." ~Steven Wright (hope this doesn't offend, but I found it hilarious)"There's hundreds of other countries in...
  12. K

    Is there any advantages to having female friends?

    My opinion on the matter, as a recovering AFC: I have a friend, been friends with her over 3 years, and there has been some mutual attraction. However, since I was an AFC, I went about it all wrong and completely screwed it all up. Rather than kicking myself over it for a year or so (as I used...
  13. K

    1st time out as a budding DJ

    So a friend and I went out tonight to hit up chicks and basically have a good time. We hit a TGI Fridays first, since we kind of knew the bartenders there (two very happening chicks who earned the nicknames "swinger" and "pigtails"), and then it was off to the bars. The first few bars we hit...
  14. K

    Always take advantage of opportunities to meet women

    That last one is what got me here in the first place. The sad part is that I had absolutely nothing to lose (except face with my friends I was out with) by approaching this girl She wasn't about a 6-7, but I haven't been in the saddle for a while, so I needed an easy win to get my confidence up...