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  1. Fatal Jay

    Dale Carneige rules vs Being BOLD.

    To be honest Dale Carnegie and Napoleon Hill are the only two authors that I have gotten vast value from, and Napoleon Hill worked under Carnegie for years before he broke off and became successful
  2. Fatal Jay

    They say if you want to get rich you.....

    invest, do we have any investors on this website? I am wanting to get into stock, bonds, real estate, etc. Who on here is already deep in the game, and making good profit from this
  3. Fatal Jay

    A chick I banged and my girlfriend 10 feet away from each other

    You guys missed the part where I said she has a man, got into a fight with him and wanted to bang me when they had their first fight Yes I do want to bang her, but I never pursued her after she said she has someone. Another thing, I doubt she contacts her, for the main reason she has a man...
  4. Fatal Jay

    A chick I banged and my girlfriend 10 feet away from each other

    To make a long story short, I been banging this chick on my job since the summer all the way up to december. We stayed friends and stop banging, because she wanted me to commit and I never did (she never knew I had a girlfriend, but knew I had an off and on relationship). The chick I use to...
  5. Fatal Jay

    Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, Your Thoughts

    You guys screaming out Black Lives Matter, you do know that is government funded right?
  6. Fatal Jay

    Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, Your Thoughts

    Where in the police book where it says to pin someone down and shot them five times in the chest? These guys are not cops anymore. I call them race solders Another thing, finding all this crap about these two guys past is really low. If they did make mistakes so what, that mean they should lose...
  7. Fatal Jay

    What does everyone think about Male Stripping

    I agree, male strippers and male porn stars are homo's. Most of those dudes you guys watch banging out those chicks you won't ever pull have fu&ked a man to get to that woman.
  8. Fatal Jay

    The making of ALIENS

    Avater is the best cgi movie.
  9. Fatal Jay

    Any profitable website ideas

    I have an idea, but to be honest not sure if I want to share. Lol
  10. Fatal Jay

    How I Went From A Totally Broke BPD Sexual Addict To Starting Up My Dream Online Business

    I swear I love post like this, thanks for sharing your story. The same for BackBreaker
  11. Fatal Jay

    Wife has your balls, witholding sex, disrespect and doesn't spend alot of time with you

    Threads like this and you guys Reponses is the reason why my girlfriend can't understand why I haven't asked her to marry be since we been together for 4 years
  12. Fatal Jay

    What is your favorite cologne to bait women?

    Yes I said bait, do you have one smell or several. I am curious which one you use that get you the most compliments
  13. Fatal Jay

    Floyd Mayweather trying to write of 20K for Strip club visit

    Smart move, can only tip my off of to this man, always making power moves.
  14. Fatal Jay

    Forming an elite alliance to make each other websites successful

    All I need is 300 like King Leonidas did with his men. Remember the movie 300, it didn't take all of Greece to get the ball rolling. It only took a small handful of men with the same mindframe. I figure if we had 10 guys with websites, who all come together and form an alliance we could take...
  15. Fatal Jay

    Forming an elite alliance to make each other websites successful

    The reason why I ask this question, because if you have a blog then you all know how tough it is to get traffic, but the solution to all of this could be solved if all the blogs came together and worked as a team. my website is called and even though I get comments, I desire...
  16. Fatal Jay

    Entertainment Industry

    ^ haha,damn
  17. Fatal Jay

    What are the best feeling condoms on the market

    I always hear lifestyles break
  18. Fatal Jay

    What are the best feeling condoms on the market

    ^ Charlie Sheen said the same thing. I always hear Durex are better then Trojans as well, people say Durex never break plus they feel better.
  19. Fatal Jay

    What are the best feeling condoms on the market

    I hear about those bareskin all the time might have to try those next time. Have anyone tried the lambskin I heard those are like the end all be all
  20. Fatal Jay

    What are the best feeling condoms on the market

    Just wondering what you guys use. I use the Trojan Ecstasy in the yellow box. It really does feel like their is nothing there. My only problem with those is that they feel too lose sometimes and it's too much lubrication.