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  1. behimo

    stocks i think you shoukd own

    stock ownership should be transient. you should have game like you do with women. game means you have a process. HODL should not be a strategy.
  2. behimo

    "Women are the sexual selectors." NO

    Not sure why you want to overthink this, women are the gatekeepers. They control who has access to the box.
  3. behimo

    If you could afford to retire at age 33, would you?

    it all depends on your mindset. the assumption that you want to retire early means you have a limit to your funds. i can say with almost full certainty, your retirement will get boring after a few years because you will get tired of doing what ever you choose to do during that time. i guess...
  4. behimo

    Let’s Get an HB Rating

    7.5 based on her first photos, a 6 after all the job she got done to her face and body.
  5. behimo

    The Evil Economics of OnlyFans

    So this is proof of the beta-ization of men or adopting and accepting feminist agenda/propaganda. the hypergamous man would want sex not attention.
  6. behimo

    Not aggressive enough?

    just abide by your own rules and standards, don't follow someone else.
  7. behimo

    Why Have So Many Well Known Pickup Artists Had Major Personal Issues?

    don't place tags on things or follow a path. believe in yourself and do what you want to do, actions that jive with your soul. these guys did things that corrupted their soul to get the p*ssy only to realize p*ssy couldn't save them from themselves. the whole point of mating should be to...
  8. behimo

    Just tested positive for CVID

    omicron isn't as deadly as the previous versions, but highly contagious which is what you'd want anyway since people don't want to get vaccinated, quicker hive immunity reached.
  9. behimo

    Wow, look at the attention this blonde Chadlite gets in Ecuador

    might be true, but most of the kamikaze pilots were brainwashed koreans. Japan invaded and occupied korea prior to WW2
  10. behimo

    Do alpha males pay for sex?

    no woman is just going to come to you and say take me, if they do ulterior motives or broken. do what you want but be confident in your 'game'. your game doesn't have to mirror someone else's. don't get caught up in what looks alpha to others or yourself. be aware of yourself and go for what you...
  11. behimo

    Looking from a distance

    it's all about context, if she looks at you or you make eye contact or looks away and she does this, it's a sign of attraction.
  12. behimo

    Looking from a distance

    if you can see her eyes and make eye contact. if her feet are directed toward you if her foot is crossed toward you if she exposes her neck to you if she preens aka plays with her hair and shows you her armpit etc... if she smiles at you when you make eye contact anyone or combination of...
  13. behimo

    My Experience at the Strip Club

    Strippers are like every girl, cept they are more in tune with selling their sexuality or at least knowledge of what it can get. If you are experienced with seeing true attraction/interest from women, strippers are no different except that they have a default or immediate reason to disqualify...
  14. behimo

    Excellent Method To Increase Your Height

    no, but if you want a bigger member get a phallosan forte
  15. behimo

    The only thing a woman is good for

    1 Corinthians 7 For I wish that all men were even as I myself. But each one has his own gift from God, one in this manner and another in that. 8 But I say to the unmarried and to the widows: It is good for them if they remain even as I am; 9 but if they cannot exercise self-control, let them...
  16. behimo

    The only thing a woman is good for

    God said it is better for man to be alone than to marry, but if he is weak and can not go without sex, to find a woman. So, no, sex isn't going to make you stronger my dude or help you go to heaven.
  17. behimo

    I built it, they didn't come

    most people are boring, women or men. a man can be entertained easily i.e. half naked woman dancing around a pole. a woman can not, at least from the opposite sex. you have to evoke feeling in her, whatever it may be. if you can't move her feelings, then there's no action.
  18. behimo

    Continuous Improvement vs Comfortable In Current State

    you're always in a mode of improving/regressing, having a good day/bad day, feeling good/bad etc... so try to stack the positives higher than the negatives and to measure yourself to yourself and not anyone else.
  19. behimo

    Wisdom from 7 years In the game

    IMO; to have a dream is good as long as there is a plan of action you can follow otherwise it's just a fantasy so cultivate yourself until you have a plan of action/dream you don't have to hide your feelings. you just need to learn to be comfortable in your own skin with who you are as a human...