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  1. J

    Gf going on multiple dates/meetings

    It's all civilized until he invites her to a weekend getaway and they are sleeping on the same bed :eek: Your girl is exploring her options. You are like James Bond having dinner with Goldfinger with his fingers on a button to drop you into a tank of pirhannas. Be like James Bond, shoot...
  2. J

    Should threads be approved before posting?

    Most men look for the red pill only after a heart break. We all have those relationships where it was hard to let go.
  3. J

    Gf going on multiple dates/meetings

    What do you suggest? Girl is on tinder already. Not if but when is OP's girl is gonna dump him? In that situation, dump before gets dumped!
  4. J

    Gf going on multiple dates/meetings

    You are welcome! I had a situation like that....very indecisive when I should have kicked the b**ch to the curb long ago. Hesitated for too long. It is the biggest regret of my life. When in doubt, kick her out!
  5. J

    Gf going on multiple dates/meetings

    No need to evaluate, Man! 40 yo is post-Wall. College student is 18-23 yo. Even if she's a little fat, she has higher SMV than a 40 yo.
  6. J

    Gf going on multiple dates/meetings

    Is this real? You gamed a college student and still want your 40 yo cheater around. Replace the cheater with the college student. Is the college student fat or something?
  7. J

    Need closure from you guys.

    Dude, if you want your girl back, cut her ass off, no contact, find someone younger and hotter than her and flaunt it. By then, you don't want her back.
  8. J

    Gf going on multiple dates/meetings

    Wow! 40 and still act like a teenager.
  9. J

    Need closure from you guys.

    No, don't do it! Walk away!
  10. J

    Gf going on multiple dates/meetings

    Totally curious. How old is your girl?
  11. J

    Talking to women who are in ‘relationships’.

    I like the "giant orgy" analogy. Some girls are literally into orgies....pretty icky if you ask me. Even if they are married, you can still hit them up. They'll f**k some random Chad behind the husband's back.
  12. J

    Gf going on multiple dates/meetings

    Come on, Man! Even if this guy did not f**k your girl by now, it'll happen eventually. That's what guys do unless he's gay. Polite guys like to f**k too. Your girl cannot be trusted. Next her ASAHP!
  13. J

    Need closure from you guys.

    Not atypical for today's female in hypergamous western society.
  14. J

    Need closure from you guys.

    No offense but the first picture with the black skirt, I would rate a 6.5. For the picture with white dress, I would rate a 7. 6 = average 7 = attractive 8 = really hot 9 = model material 10 = once in a life time
  15. J

    How accurate was Roosh V's prediction in The Future of Game 2010

    Roosh is quite brilliant. He is mostly correct. Too bad he shut down his site and turned born again Christian.
  16. J

    Radio DJs barred from Washington training camp for comments on HOT sports reporter.

    You are right...she's almost 39. She looks good for her age, probably using botox and/or plastic surgery. knees look a bit old though. I won't do her though :lol:
  17. J

    Michael's Story

    This is not me. I am re-posting. The article was too long. I had to break it into segments. I thought it was a good post. I repost here in case the original site go away.
  18. J

    Who here does transdental meditation

    I have done it...they want you to take more and more expensive programs...stay out.