Search results

  1. L

    South Asian (ie 'East Indian') Girls

    I would say don't date too many Indian girls because a lot are stuck up and hard to deal with and excessively traditional (won't get down for sex so quickly). They may think too highly of themselves and won't hesitate to give a guy a hard time. They can have a bad attitude. They may expect a...
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    This crap makes me just want to vomit ...

    Man that ish is sad...but it goes to show, if you feel something for a girl, be a man and EXPRESS IT. Don't fantasize over her and not do anything. Unless you want Carmen Electra and you are a homeless bum, in which case your left hand is always available. :D
  3. L

    Girls in Washington DC and NYC?

    Thanks for all your input guys. It's expensive to live there, although since I grew up in Redondo Beach and live in Westwood (I go to UCLA) it's not a shocker. But talking to other people who had summer internships there and all it doesn't seem like the place for me. At least DC. Maybe still NYC...
  4. L

    Problem Fellas

    Man you just gotta be funny with them in an unintimidating way....kind of c + f but give off that cool, in control kind of vibe that guys like Jay Z have. Be funny and remember, lots of these girls love black dudes, just come to Cali and you will see. Read some of Player Supreme's posts, he has...
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    Girls in Washington DC and NYC?

    Man....I'm curious what's so bad about DC that you fellas don't think it's worth it to move there. This isn't really a career thing so much as to live somewhere else, because I'll only be working for 6 months or a year and a half out there. Any cities that would be recomended as overall good...
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    Girls in Washington DC and NYC?

    I'll be moving out to one of those cities in January 2006. I graduate in June 2005, although I will be finsihing up until December and taking my LSAT, applying to law school. Trying to get a government or media job. Any tips on DJing out there, and the hot spots, etc. I know NYC ok but not DC as...
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    FR: The Seduction of Paris Hilton (Part II: Paris Kisses Papa)

    Whoever said this was because Pap was an Asian guy, that might be true but she did go out with Oscar De La Hoya so I doubt she's against dating non-white guys....not a big deal though. As for the rest of the story, whether or not it is true try to look at the techniques and think about ways to...
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    For the Asian homies complaining about the white girls...

    Hahaha yeah there's quite a few Asians here...I'm an Indian dude and there's a lot of us, but even more like Chinese, Koreans, Filipinos, etc. But the reason I posted this thread is to do what you said, to overcome their feelings, because people seem to think they are condemend to a certain type...
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    For the Asian homies complaining about the white girls...

    I was at a graduation brunch for a friend yesterday in Santa Monica (we all go to UCLA, he graduated but I'm only a junior so I have a year left). I saw a white family, grandma, aunts uncles parents the whole deal, along with the graduate, their daughter (HB 8 blonde white girl with great face...
  10. L

    Indian Girls.....

    Hey I'm Indian born and raised here in the US. I would say that she might not be too open to dating but it is worth giving a've got nothing to lose right? But if you really like that Spanish look, go for Latina chicks, they are much more open about dating and sex.
  11. L

    Getting annoyed and depressed?

    Sometimes I just get fed up and depressed with my life, and people in general. I have plenty of friends, although a few are much closer to me than most, and people generally like me. But at the same time, I get disgusted with people in general sometimes because they can be so fake and stupid...
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    "I had a dream about you"

    See what's up with her man...if you had thought of a c+f for this situation it would've been unbelievable.
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    Field Report: Last night w/ a stripper

    Handle that ish playboy :D
  14. L

    The School Bully Scenario and Getting Guys Kicked Out of Clubs

    My perspective is a little different because like WestCoaster I live out West, in LA. We have fights at clubs for sure, especially involving big drunk guys, sometimes gang affiliated, acting stupid, but security is preety good and it gets handled quit well normally. Also, I rarely go to the same...
  15. L

    spic women born pregnant

    Mods ban this guy....his comments are not only irrelevant to the board but racist as well and don't serve any purpose of discussion here.
  16. L

    What I learned from my sister...

    I agree with much of what you said, especially about not being afraid of who you are. Be proud and do it with confidence. That means be social and open, but if you are into certain things or act a particular way, which all of us are having individual quirks, stand up for what you believe in and...
  17. L

    girl wants to drink with me?

    Hmm I wouldn't mind making out with her. Sex, I'd do her, she's cute, but not while drunk at all because I could get in a lot of trouble for that.
  18. L

    girl wants to drink with me?

    Here's the situation fellas: I met this check on Thursday through a friend of mine at school. We were all going to a party at a club and wanted to drink before so we drank at my place. I am a 3rd year, she is a freshman. There were 5 or 6 people in addition to her, girls and guys. While we...