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  1. S

    " I hate drama. That's why pretty much all my friends are guys.."

    This really was the decision maker for me. The girl in question is in fact a HB9, but as someone on this board once said. "No amount of beauty is worth handing your balls over for." Not only would I be under her scrutiny, but the other guy's as well. I can hear it now: "you break her heart, I...
  2. S

    " I hate drama. That's why pretty much all my friends are guys.."

    I just never had a girl tell me this openly. She just volunteered this info upfront and I didn't even comment. I just nodded. LOL. I wish someone would help me with the hidden meaning (********).
  3. S

    " I hate drama. That's why pretty much all my friends are guys.."

    Ok, so I was doing a number close on this girl at a grocery store last night, and during the conversation, this little gem came up: " I hate drama. That's why pretty much all my friends are guys." Now, I did get the email and number, but I can't make heads or tails of this! This has to be...
  4. S

    Ideas Picking up chicks while you're in your car ..

    This poses yet another pertinent question. Say you're at a red light waiting for it to change. You glance over and you see a car load of girls and they are all laughing and snickering, right? How in the heck do you know if they are laughing at YOU or if they're thinking: "oh, look that guy is...
  5. S

    The 3 Keys of Success with the opposite sex...

    ------------------------> BUMP! <-------------------------
  6. S

    An alternative to a handshake

    This may have worked during the Victorian period or during the Roaring 20's, but I doubt you would receive much positive feedback on this one. Even when executed properly, the is a VERY high risk manuever. Why not just cop-a-feel on her shoulder briefly, or just playfully tap her upper arm with...
  7. S

    How to stay positive/motivated when a chick calls you ugly

    Rejection, is an excellent way to find out what someone is made of. This separates the real men from the crybabies. The minute you let a girl, (an average looking one, no less) get a rise out of you; controlling your emotions and letting her dictate your own self-worth with a lewd comment? You...
  8. S

    80 Percent of Woman want a CRUEL NEANDERTHAL. So I Seek the 20 PERCENT.

    I can see right now that this thread is going to turn into another "jerk" vs. "nice guy" debate. Yes, the thought of any girl that would want to be with someone that is going to push their head through a wall in a fit of rage needs serious therapy.
  9. S

    what do you guys think about marriage?!

    Re: Back to the subject at hand 13. He should never get married just because he got a girl pregnant. ^This is the biggest mistake a guy could ever make.
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    The afc's real problem

    The afc's real problem? One word: FEAR.
  11. S

    Knock her off her pedestal with 3 words.

    Try this: "You walk funny.." When she gives you a "wtf" look, just say: "I don't know, but it would appear as though one leg is faster than the other." You HAVE to say this with a straight face, though. Just watch her face as that little ego of hers pops right before your very eyes...
  12. S

    women prefer smaller men (article)

    WTF is "shelther," anyway? Does your Army man have one of these?? Just curious. If he does.. I smell a Bud Light real american hero commercial in the works.
  13. S

    Love notes. Guys, I'm in trouble...

    Alcohol a. liquid courage b. liquid ignorance c. all of the above Survey says....... "C" Ode to Cyrano - When her need for for you is gone and it's time for her to part Do not rhetoricize For the faithless heart But with manlier virture Be content to say...