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  1. M

    Man with power can easily be beta, barack obama

    Because I'm saving this board from more long drawn-out boring humorless posts from you. At least boobs has some humor, he's like Mancow posting here.
  2. M

    Man with power can easily be beta, barack obama

    Not 43...I'm 45. Dude, I get it. You're lashing out because when you look at those feminine breasts of yours in the mirror, you are simultaneously repulsed and yet...turned on. You don't know if you should hurl or go to 3rd base with yourself. I understand that's gotta create some mental...
  3. M

    Man with power can easily be beta, barack obama

    Nah, I'm white. However, I am hung like a brother. Nice, you're getting close by saying 'Da Prez' and 'whitey' - c'mon, just a little bit more, say what you really think - you can do it!!! Or is Political Correctness gonna rule?
  4. M

    Word advice, buy tangible things like gold and silver, stock market will crash

    Yeah, and Chicoms will come rappelling out of black helicopters too.
  5. M

    Feel a need for a "connection" beyond physical to even be interested..

    I feel you, but there is no "the ONE." There are manys ONES! You like to have a deeper connection, fine. Spinning plates allows to see if that connection is there with more than one person. If you don't like a girl after getting to know her, then drop her from the rotation! But...
  6. M

    Man with power can easily be beta, barack obama

    We are all brothers here and shouldn't bicker. I recognize that your screen name is actually a cry for help. In the interest of helping men be better, I'm directing you to this resource: Also, dumbbell flys, cable crossovers and bench presses should help...
  7. M

    Man with power can easily be beta, barack obama

    Yeah republicans claim to be "straight shooters" and "say what the mean and mean what they say". Yet they can't come right out and say they hate him cause he is black. Weak cowards.
  8. M

    Man with power can easily be beta, barack obama

    So knowing that when you die, your surname dies with you - because you never fathered a child to carry on - is not alpha??? In a sense this is like the gay community - they can't have children either and comtemptously refer to those who can/straight people as "breeders."
  9. M

    Man with power can easily be beta, barack obama

    Rush is a true Alpha. Fat, drug addicted, 4 count em 4! Divorces and will die childless. The hideously fat tea bagger broads love him though.
  10. M

    The Problem With Cassidy Wolf

    Sounds like a typical IT computer nerd who hangs out on 4chan 24/7 and has the socialization skills to match.
  11. M

    Breaking Bad Thread If you have not seen them yet check out the minisodes on YouTube. This one is my favorite. Also "Sauls" website has hilarious customer testimonial vids.
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    Breaking Bad Thread

    The nazi gang is set for life yet we are to believe Todd will put it all at risk because he wants to bang Lydia. The power of pus$y strikes again. Colossus your story prediction sounds good, I would bet on most of it being right
  13. M

    Post Your Favorite Thick Curvy Girls

    Silicone ass. Has that look.
  14. M

    Breaking Bad Thread

    Walt has no experience firing a machine gun, going up against paramilitary militia types. Not sure how that is going to work out
  15. M

    Breaking Bad Thread

    Badger's best line: "Darth Vader had responsibilities. He was responsible for the Death Star." Lol!
  16. M

    thoughts on this one

    My God she is full of herself. How did the guy not pick up on that. Anyway the commenters ripped her a new one, good stuff.
  17. M

    Breaking Bad Thread

    Will Huell ever leave that hotel room? Great show. I have my own speculations, but the show has proved me wrong every time I had a prediction. Can't wait to see what twists happen in the finale.
  18. M

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    A xanax plus a shot of Jameson's and a beer! But I do that for fun, not to relieve stress............
  19. M

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    I know why I had a dream about the ex the other night. It's her birthday and I've been wrestling with sending her a bday text...but I can't think of a good reason why. It would get no reaction other than her saying thanks. But my mind won't let go of it.
  20. M

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Had a dream about the ex last night, woke up feeling sad. But the immediacy of the feelings caused by the dream faded quick and in less than 5 minutes I was falling asleep again. Woke up with barely a memory of it and feel fine, it's like wtf was that about?? Dreams can mess with ya.