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  1. K

    The Official FOREX Thread

    Want me to make a "screenshot" of "my" Forex account with $50,000,000 in there? It takes about 3 minutes in Photoshop :D
  2. K

    The Official FOREX Thread

    15 experts concluded that the pic is fake. This is as much irrefutable evidence as anything has EVER had behind it. This is so clear to see that it isn't even debatable. The guy's a fake. Period. :)
  3. K

    The Official FOREX Thread

    Sheep. You'd rather be lead to the slaughter than see the truth for what it is.
  4. K

    The Official FOREX Thread

    Don't be an idiot. I've been a member of sosuave for many years. I am trusted and have a perfect reputation. I've met more people off here than any single other member of sosuave. My words are NOT to be taken lightly.
  5. K

    The Official FOREX Thread

    Forex knows the average amount of $ that the average person who signs up for a demo will make them. How much are they paying you for every referral to the demo program? $50? $100? You're not fooling anyone, man. GTFO off SoSuave!
  6. K

    The Official FOREX Thread

    Not gonna happen. She's not his gf. Read the replies of the image experts. This is a pic he got off the net. The letters were edited in. Even a FOOL can see this. This is over.
  7. K

    The Official FOREX Thread

    Don't count on it. You're a fake and have NO idea what you're talking about. You're gonna cost these people their life's savings and i'm NOT gonna stand by and watch you do it. You're finished.
  8. K

    The Official FOREX Thread

    Can YOU? You're getting banned for this. The fact that you're a fake/troll has now been CONCLUSIVELY proven. Enjoy what's left of your short stay here.
  9. K

    The Official FOREX Thread

    No, i'm not gonna chill out. You wanna know why? Here's an article that outlines PRECISELY what people like Angelus do to people like you. This is what's about to happen and i'm trying soo hard to prevent it from happening because in one month's time, you guys will be crying soo hard over...
  10. K

    The Official FOREX Thread

    Look at the pictures i posted of my gf and car. NO ONE can say they're fake. These ones, EVERYONE believes to be fake. This isn't even debatable. The letters were faked, badly faked at that. Period.
  11. K

    The Official FOREX Thread

    Come on man, enough :) End this. The letters on the gf pic are just so clearly fake, you can see it with the naked eye. You're insulting people's intelligence. A child can tell the pics are fake. 15 experts have now confirmed it. Give it up. You're a fraud.
  12. K

    The Official FOREX Thread

    The writing on the gf pic was proven to be fake by 15 people. :) There's nothing left to talk about. Angelus is a fraud.
  13. K

    The Official FOREX Thread

    Game over, Angelus :) You just proved what i had been saying all along - you're a fraud. It's just your luck that i'm a photographer, which pretty much makes me an expert in photographs, photo cameras and digital image editing tools. The pics are fake. Just to be on the safe side, i asked a few...
  14. K

    The Official FOREX Thread

    Keep it together muchacho :) "Men are like steel. When they lose their temper, they lose their worth." - Chuck Norris