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    2 week push up challenge...

    Well push ups are certainly useful. Being stuck for months at ~210lbs Bp, I managed around 260lbs after ~6 weeks of frequent push ups. Oh and I lost a few lbs during the time. Try it, works like magic.
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    episodes of weakness

    thank you for replies. I joined a gym yesterday and it was one of those bad days. I performed terrible, lifting about the same as I did in school back when I was 16y/o and 10kg lighter :s . Must be the 3x a week vodka/beer+antibiotics I'm eating lately. Lets try dropping 'em.
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    episodes of weakness

    Well guys the thing is I'm normally a rather strong guy but occasionally I have these episodes of extreme weakness. Like when I could usually without much effort do 30x4 reps of pushups (I'm not training regularly, just experimenting occasionally..) , somehow there are days when I am having...
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    upper/lower body proportions?

    Hello. Erm well lets say a person had huge upper legs/ass but just lower than average upper body, especially arms. Not much of a nice sight. Now this past few months he has been eating big, lifting big doing cardio etc. The thing is mostly only legs/ass appear to be growing while upper body...