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  1. J

    Question about next step

    Excellent advices guys, thank you. That is a clear strategy for this woman and for others to come in the future. I will wait til next weekend to reach out to her again, but in the (small) chance she is the one reaching out to me in the meantime should I assume she is contacting me to facilitate...
  2. J

    Question about next step

    Thanks, i think this is sensible.
  3. J

    Question about next step

    She replied today saying she was sorry for the late reply, but she already had made plans for tonight’s party but if I was around we could meet up for drinks. Think this was a soft/medium rejection yes? Delete number and move on?
  4. J

    Question about next step

    Yes you are right here.
  5. J

    Question about next step

    what do you mean with this?
  6. J

    Question about next step

    No, but then again I also didnt do it the first time, in the subsequent message I gave her the details (time, place etc). But do you reckon this could be a sticking point in my game and in this case?
  7. J

    Question about next step

    So I met this girl on a meetup event last friday, and after I asked her out on monday to go out the next day. She agreed , and so we did go out. Date went OK, not great because I should have escalated more but I did touch her hands and legs, to which she didnt back off. Didnt go for the kiss...
  8. J

    Plate finds out about the Red Pill

    I reckon I will just stop mentioning it altogether, from now on.
  9. J

    Plate finds out about the Red Pill

    I know... too late for that now....
  10. J

    Plate finds out about the Red Pill

    Feel as like if they know about "game" and the red pill, it breaks a bit of the magic between a man and a woman
  11. J

    Plate finds out about the Red Pill

    So, my most stable plate has just found out about the Red Pill, due to me talking a bit about it. Now, I realize this is not something that we should share with women, its just something that we should just "get it" and apply accordingly. So what is done cannot be undone, and I realize it was a...
  12. J

    Precautions for dating "break" phase

    why would you have one?
  13. J

    Asking her out second time?

    why didnt anything sexual happen? It should have, or at least you should have pushed for it. Also, an invite for breakfast...? You need something more conducive to sex to happen, and that is mostly during the evening.
  14. J

    How to handle a dominant girl in bed

    Funny you say this, this girl also isn’t good at *******s, at least with me
  15. J

    How to handle a dominant girl in bed

    Tries to dictate how we have sex, the positions, etc etc.
  16. J

    How to handle a dominant girl in bed

    Hi guys, One of my 3 plates tries to be quite dominant in bed, which for me is not something that I like too much. I like to be the director of my movies so to speak when it comes to sex, however this girl tries many times to assume control, which often results in taking away a bit of the...
  17. J

    Tinder girl won't give out number

    Just had this today, on Tinder the girl says she doesnt want to give me her number, at least not yet. Not sure either to eject or keep talking to her.
  18. J

    Nofap November Challenge (chest beaters stay away thanks)

    If you are in no fap but you fvck, is no fap affected?
  19. J

    The Sh!t Test & Solution Vault

    Thats some cold sh*t there from that girl. Did you know she was bi?