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  1. V

    very confused about this girl

    just wonderin' do you guys think she was feeding on the attention or just liked the attention? ya were in college - i'm trying to be mature about it but her/her friends are so weird. its almost cute.
  2. V

    very confused about this girl

    thats not a big deal to me ive already talked to her and will do again at some point. i just want to know why she isnt being straight. is she just shy or what? i don't want to be mislead by her/her friends.
  3. V

    very confused about this girl

    ok...well should i continue to pursue her? Her friend gave me notes for the class, but i opened it and it had that girls picture in it lol WTF...shes constantly giving me these subtle cues but rarely talks to me or shys away from eye contact.
  4. V

    very confused about this girl

    lmao... I get hat but why is she doing these things even after she said no to lunch? defense mechanism?
  5. V

    very confused about this girl

    So I am a bit shy myself....and this girl that I like is I think shy too? Were in college - she was in one of my classes last year, and I ignored her when she tried to talk to me. While taking the bus, I was sitting down and felt someone was watching me, and I looked up, it was her again just...