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  1. P

    You make me feel safe

    What do women mean when they say this?
  2. P

    Men pedestalizing other men

    Yup. Only faggots put men on a pedestal.
  3. P


    You should go live among the refugee. I bet you'd change your opinion.
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    Quran Quran (8:38-39) - “Say to those who have disbelieved, if they cease (from disbelief) their past will be forgiven... And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism: i.e. worshipping others besides Allah) and the religion (worship) will all be for Allah Alone [in the...
  5. P


    At least you get it. But we have brainwashed idiots who support this invasion/infestation
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    Of course they would purge western culture. They want fill control. They want sharia law. Islam is not compatible with democracy or freedom. These imbeciles don't get that. Muslims aren't peaceful. Just because some Muslims may not act out on their radicalism doesn't mean they condone it. If...
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  10. P


    Here's your portrait
  11. P


    You sound like you're 17. But yes he was a pedophile. Also early Islam was all about conquest and war and the Koran was their guide book. This is an indisputable fact. " The early Muslim conquests (Arabic: الفتوحات الإسلامية‎, al-Futūḥāt al-Islāmiyya) also referred to as the Arab conquests[2]...
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  13. P


    Morals aside, ultimately the less Muslims their are in the world, the less radicals (Muslims who follow the Koran literally, word for word) there will be ,therefore the world will be a safer place. This doesn't mean all Muslims are violent. Also you don't have to fear something to dislike it or...
  14. P


    Obviously my point is that figure of speech did not originate with Lenin. Most likely it was Stalin who said that, not Lenin, but regardless it originated with neither.
  15. P


    In today's world their is very few Christian terrorists, they aren't real Christians. The first testament was written by juice. The second testament is really what Christians follow which doesn't encourage to force people to convert, tax non believers, or strike fear into the hearts of non...
  16. P


    EtymologyEdit 1796 in English, from French, on ne saurait faire d'omelette sans casser des œufs (1742 and earlier), attributed François de Charette.[1] ProverbEdit you can't make an omelette without breakingeggs In order to achieve something, it isinevitable and necessary that something...
  17. P


    But you never know who is who. If other Arabs allow the terrorists to hide among them, they're guilty by association. You have to crack a few eggs to make an omelet. No mercy.
  18. P


    When did I say terrorists are only in Afghanistan. Protip: I didn't. How can you not understand why the Saudis are our allies? Ever heard of opec or the petro dollar? Well I'll tell ya what, the petite Petro dollar is essential to maintain our standard of living. Seems like your liberal...
  19. P

    Starting chantix

    I'm sick and tired of smoking. I'm tired of feeling I need it. I've known people who've used it and it worked for them. I can't wait for the day it becomes normal for me not to smoke. I bet I'll feel a lot better, I'll have more energy. It's crazy because I'll go through a period of time where...
  20. P


    Not if you kill all or most of them. Most Afghanis love Americans because we rid their land of Taliban and al-Qaeda. We also dig them wells do they don't have to continue fighting with neighbors for control of the well. But what would you know about the middle east?