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  1. J

    Does A Guy's Height matter??? (merged threads)

    dude, why on earth are you complanign about soemthing you have NO control over? Im not trying to be harsh, but grow some balls man, work on other aspects of YOU. You'll feel better.
  2. J

    Fifth part – Deepening the art of conversation

    I think this is a good post. However, I think a lot of people are more scared or just asocial than you think. Did you ever get the feeling some people are just afraid of establishing a strong connection?? I feel sometimes people are seemingly too happy witht heir groups of friends and feel...
  3. J

    Problems in the bedroom

    maybe youre gay.. just kidding..Dude, who knows why? Has this happened before with other girls? Definitely check into the blow job thing..should work wonders..if not..casually visit a physician, I'm sure it's nothing, but I understand you wish to "saddle em up!" again, real soon.
  4. J

    The Ultimate Secret to Attracting Her To You

    in any case, curious to see how Pook's really learned and grown into more of a man..the evolution of the "DJ"..the dichotomy that exists between his response to this post and "The Secret of the Jerk" is huge;.
  5. J

    The Ultimate Secret to Attracting Her To You

    oh, now I understand..its 2 years old. whooooops
  6. J

    The Ultimate Secret to Attracting Her To You

    and why is everybody freaking out about this post anyways??? Topics such as this have been discussed since ages!! Is there a big deal I'm missin out on?
  7. J

    The Ultimate Secret to Attracting Her To You

    and, the way.. HITTING ON GIRLS DOES NOT ULTIMATELY FAIL. what bull**** saying that it does, anybody who tells you otherwise obviously is in some form of strange denial.
  8. J

    The Ultimate Secret to Attracting Her To You

    Wow, 1st time I thought I'd disagree with Pook's post...what he mentions here qualifies the "kill that desperation"..but I'm a strong believer of being the man (you sort of contradict yourself in this post Pook, although I dont think you really mean to) and going after you her that...
  9. J

    Thoughts about David DeAngelo and Double your Dating? [merged threads]

    I think dd is mostly just a scam artist sure, he comes out with some advice that seems great to hear, but overall, he is just playin into the heart of the majority of men out there (who dont have the style or the looks) and convinces everyone that the key to getting the gil has barely anything...
  10. J

    what's the REAL DEAL with the integrity of hoes

    thanks dog, But what's up with reply "bias"..I have something I think is interesting to say, noone checks it out..I guess success in this forum relies entirely on your "topic" sentence.. But thanks man, I was hurt about what my ex did to me initially, and then I realized it was my mistake to...
  11. J

    what's the REAL DEAL with the integrity of hoes

    OK, this is the deal. Now, there has been a lot of talk recently about the integrity of women.. We're all, as men, going to get burned at some point in our lives, but experiences like these shouldn't be the reason we spend time trying to justify our perceptions of MOST women as attention hoes...