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  1. B

    What is love to you?

    Basically what you want is a robot?
  2. B

    Women are masters at manipulation.

    What if women did this first because men were the one that has always manipulated women?
  3. B

    Women are masters at manipulation.

    Are men any better than this?
  4. B

    Do you let birds BJ you after club or on first date?

    What the **** are you talking about? Yes I am young and yes I want to know more about stds. You are a shame to this forum.
  5. B

    How do you guys deal with loneliness?

    Part of life. Accept it and know that opposites completes each other. Without night there is no day, without loneliness you wont feel the opposite of it. So love and hate are just two sides of the same coin. The people who hates women, deep down loves them very much, Appreciate the negative...
  6. B

    Do you let birds BJ you after club or on first date?

    When you are not sure about her stds... ?
  7. B

    Went on date last night everything was good except..

    Everyone is a troll to you
  8. B

    Do you keep on ****ing girls that have std? For example herpes can spread with condom

    Alright alright. My point was simply that if you CAN avoid it then why the **** not? But it certainly is not possible to avoid it. Problem solved, move on.
  9. B

    I want to break up. I'm married.

    You are being way too nice and unrealistic.
  10. B

    Do you keep on ****ing girls that have std? For example herpes can spread with condom

    Do you have any stds? I am having a huge struggle with this. I will use condoms ALWAYS whenever theres a new girl untill i am 100% sure she is free. The damn problem is that you can catch stds even with condoms so what to do? And as far as ive researched, most people above teenage has some...
  11. B

    I don't understand how are guys easily getting girls

    Yes learn to see it as a numbers game. Also I am myself a dancer so in bars and clubs it is so damn easy if you know how to dance. Learn to dance.
  12. B

    What the heck is going on with her?

    What if she dumps you because youve made her cry tons of times and basically been an ******* for her?
  13. B

    I want to break up. I'm married.

    Ill try to help as much as I can: be straightforward and tell her this is the case. Whatever happens aftet that is all life.
  14. B

    Do you keep on ****ing girls that have std? For example herpes can spread with condom

    Because I am young and I might not know something. That something might cost me alot. I am very active with new women and I wouldnt want to change that neither do I want any stds. I guess I'll have to figure what to do on my own with your advices. Thanks for them.
  15. B

    Do you keep on ****ing girls that have std? For example herpes can spread with condom

    And?... Did I ask you the obvious? I asked you how do you cope with this? Also what is the real chance of catching an std with condom?
  16. B

    Do you keep on ****ing girls that have std? For example herpes can spread with condom

    I strongly believe if a woman is highly attracted to you sexually she will lie about her std. I will always use condoms unless I am 100% sure she has nothing. The problem is that condoms protect maybe 90-95% from stds and that is very low. I dont want any stds but I guess thats life of a male...
  17. B

    Do you keep on ****ing girls that have std? For example herpes can spread with condom

    They can lie and mostly will. It is too late when you get std? To be honest I dont know much about them: how dangerous are they and how pain in the ass.
  18. B

    Do you keep on ****ing girls that have std? For example herpes can spread with condom

    I pick up a lot of chicks. I have new plates every week. How can I make sure they are free? That is the problem here...