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  1. Suspens

    Back Down or Stand Ground

    That is not the case here.
  2. Suspens

    Heavy metal jewelry and accessories

    Oh as cool as snoop dog?
  3. Suspens

    Back Down or Stand Ground

    She is not happy, you can't change that. No need to apologize, you aren't her little puppy.
  4. Suspens

    Zion's (obscenely long) texting guide.

    Does any pro agree with this?
  5. Suspens

    Assorted Facts About Women

    And why is that?
  6. Suspens

    Girl won't suck

    Not afraid of you walking away.
  7. Suspens

    Heavy metal jewelry and accessories

    This isn't hotornot moron.
  8. Suspens

    Heavy metal jewelry and accessories

    'Badass' skull bracelets, spike leather wristbands etc. How do they affect your image and value? Do they make you look like a rageful emo teenage boy?
  9. Suspens

    CHALLENGE: Increasing my SMV.

    I shaved my head a few months ago since it was starting to fall out. It looked like this lol: And this is my new haircut(tysen): Not sure which...
  10. Suspens

    CHALLENGE: Increasing my SMV.

    Right now I'm in a bad situation. Here's a list highlighting things which need to change and where I stand right now: 1. Housing. I live in a small flat, shared with my mother, sister and younger brother. That's a major logistic issue. 2. Zero income. I have a small amount of money in my bank...
  11. Suspens

    analyse this text convo

    Pyros: How are you? Salsa HB8: OMG that made me wet myself. Come over now you naughty bad boy. Pyros: On my way b!tch, wear those tight oiled up salsa pants. Salsa HB8: Sure baby:moon:
  12. Suspens

    "Wow, you are becoming a man"

    I would love to over analize her.:D But yeah, gotta keep my hamster in check.
  13. Suspens

    "Wow, you are becoming a man"

    "You used to be a pvssy back then. But now you are growing up and becoming a man, and that beard is helping you in this process, at least superficially" . That's what she meant I think.
  14. Suspens

    "Wow, you are becoming a man"

    She is definitely hot. But obviously she is damaged goods. Anyways, I think i trashed her ego when I ignored her 3 times and passed by like a total stranger, so over thinking about her immature insult isn't necessary.
  15. Suspens

    Assorted Facts About Women

    And jealous sisters.
  16. Suspens

    How Often Do Women Check You Out?

    A lot. But guess what, they are just attention-hoeing hoes.
  17. Suspens

    "Wow, you are becoming a man"

    Haha that could work well. I highly doubt that since our breakup with her sister was rather rough and bitter. I still have her (the C0cktease's) number. But I think contacting her would be too creepy and inappropriate.
  18. Suspens

    How do I dump my GF

    No matter how hard you try to act like a 'considerate gentlemen', she will accuse you of things you have never done, things you are never going to do, and how the whole thing was a game.
  19. Suspens

    What to do when you slip up?

    Telling a woman you love her and then going no contact? Sounds fun haha. Whatever you do, don't act butthurt.