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  1. Jareamee

    “You’re really easy to talk to”

    Can’t find a solid answer on the net. So I’m turning to the solid reputable advice I have found here. On the last three first dates I have gotten “you’re really easy to talk to”. Which I’m not entirely sure what that means; although it sticks out like a sore thumb when they say it. All...
  2. Jareamee

    Hitting girls with a kiss close when they aren't ready...

    Good conversation with solid information.
  3. Jareamee

    Hitting girls with a kiss close when they aren't ready...

    Okay maybe NEVER WILL is a bit strong. However it will be a bit more difficult to win her interest if she rejects you on the first date with something so simple as kiss, I imagine. Would like to hear your thoughts
  4. Jareamee

    Hitting girls with a kiss close when they aren't ready...

    No way! I read somewhere and it resonated as a completely true statement - always go in for a kiss somewhere on the first date. Always. If she rejects you it means she didn’t find you sexually attractive and probably never will, saying most behaviours and circumstances staying the same...
  5. Jareamee

    Hitting girls with a kiss close when they aren't ready...

    Looks like I know what I’m going to be trying on the next first date I have... Also.. if you’ve kiss closed on the first date, would you kiss first thing when seeing her on the second. What sort of advances and plays do you implement on the second date?
  6. Jareamee

    Possible Test?

    This is really good and can appreciate this. I do work on myself very much and focus on abundance and gratitude daily. However I do have my eyes opened wide in concerns of women subtly trying to ‘test my mettle’. And I’m seeing from this post and responses, maybe a tad too much, and...
  7. Jareamee

    Hitting girls with a kiss close when they aren't ready...

    I can agree with this, but not at the same time. I always feel when I go out with a woman from anywhere online it takes a bit for the woman to loosen up and to feel each other out. I’d say by 30-50 minutes in, I’ve already put my arm around them excitedly, or on their neck when I find...
  8. Jareamee

    Possible Test?

    Thanks for the responses, gentlemen. I have taken heed of the advice. I recently have swallowed the red pill and am still learning about frame and everything which comes along with red pill knowledge. So it’s a lot of discovery right now. And it’s good to know that frame does t have to be...
  9. Jareamee

    Possible Test?

    I was speaking more towards that she gave an alternative to my restaurant suggestion. That would be crazy if I thought about the ice cream that in-depth haha..
  10. Jareamee

    Possible Test?

    Thought about that. However I cook for myself 6 days a week. I like to treat myself to an outside meal at least once a week and also watch a movie and eat a pint of ice cream too haha
  11. Jareamee

    Possible Test?

    Well on the first date she actually wanted to split the bill (and told me it had nothing to do with our particular date). She did that because she didn’t want to be ‘in-debted’ as she experienced this before; meaning sexually in-debted. Which I said I respected. So this second date I was...
  12. Jareamee

    Possible Test?

    Hey fellas! I feel like I’m encountering a sh!t test of some sort. Had a great first date last night. Touched, laughed, kiss closed. She contacts me today and this is the convo.. Her: Hey, just wanted to say I had a good time yesterday :) Me: Me too :) Let’s grab a healthy meal at...
  13. Jareamee

    What is the perfect height for a man?

    Hi Richard. Having been enveloped in the modelling world for many years, the ideal male height in the international industry was 6’2”. I’m 6’0” on the dot, and was often losing jobs because of this particular criteria. Runway modelling is a great portion of the work. And in that world it’s...
  14. Jareamee

    Finally got the physique, how did it change your game?

    Good post! Can you link that specific topic you mentioned?
  15. Jareamee

    Best book you’ve read in terms of gender knowledge

    Recently I devoured the book ‘The Rational Male’ by Rollo Tomassi. It was a great book which gave me enormous insight in to the dynamics of genders and how both operate in terms of relationships, desires, wants, etc. I will continue to delve deeper in to more of his work. I love to read and I...
  16. Jareamee

    Attention: here is what happens with women nowadays

    Lizard. The fact that you are defending yourself continually and justifying behaviour while focusing on the details, shows that there has been some damage done to you, in whatever avenue of sense of self; a reluctance to accept. And so be it. First accept that. That’s where it’s at, and...
  17. Jareamee

    Attention: here is what happens with women nowadays

    There’s some really solid advice from many members in the responses. I hope the OP sees this, and can get past his temporary loss. It’s clear the circumstances have riled you up and you’re placing blame in areas. However I think all the signs and red flags were evident and you played in to...
  18. Jareamee

    1 Date and then.. *Need help*

    Thanks a lot for the perspective guys! I’m grateful, and It’s helpful. It’s just so weird how this happens in dating. You nail all the points, touch, lock down a kiss, there’s high interest, etc, and then POOF. All gone. Haha like what! I’m pretty sure warren buffet would think dating is a...
  19. Jareamee

    1 Date and then.. *Need help*

    So her being distant but laying out what she’s been doing is just making me desire her more? You don’t think she’s giving me the slow brush off here? Because there is a misalignment with what she’s saying and doing, and I can agree with her gaming m, but her being really general with dates and...
  20. Jareamee

    1 Date and then.. *Need help*

    So for clarity... we went on a date on Thursday (March29), then on Friday (30th) there was a 4 day weekend and she went away. We had plans the Tuesday (April 3rd) after the weekend. She said she was sick and asked to reschedule for this current week. I hear no word until today (April 9th)...