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  1. R

    Slut, Princess, or both

    Laughing my behind off at this one-great analogy bro!
  2. R

    ******** for lets have sex?

    She's an attention hor and you are a man, so the trade off is her sex for your attention. Nothing in life is free. This reminds me of what rollo posted in the what maturity taught you that youth didnt post He said he leaned...
  3. R

    ******** for lets have sex?

    So now that you no her intentions and yours also it's clear what to do. You need to propositon her. It's already clear what both parties are looking for in life and you both want the same thing, so it' either she is sexually attracted to you, or not. So ask, you are not dealing with a princess...
  4. R

    Am I working backwards?

    First you are over over analyzing this, you did fine, there was nothing wrong with what you said. She was talking to someone, so she told you why this was weird for her. Second you need to decide what you truly want. If you only want a decent woman in your life right now, then all the...
  5. R

    The same old story - always looking

    I think the best thing you can do is to sit down somewhere quit, and decide where you stand on women with kids, and also on this woman. You are already in the relationship so you might just want to figure out your basic opinion now on women with kids just so you can know where you are in life...
  6. R

    What maturity taught that youth didn't

    I felt this post in my soul. Good life lesson!
  7. R


    First what are your views about sex? Secondly what did you want from this girl in general? I have been disguted by girls who came off slutty when I wanted something special from then, and thought she was the same way, I have also been pissed off by girls who wanted to take things slow...
  8. R

    Why is the b1tch doing this?

    First you need to ask yourself what you want. 1. If you still want her as a friend then be busy, but continue being polite. 2. If you dont want her around anymore then tell her straight up. But no no one in here or in the world can tell you what you want. So the first thing you need to...
  9. R

    Slut, Princess, or both

    I think a lot of advice given here will cause a lot of pain, confusion, and distress. Not because the advice is either bad, or wrong, but that the advice is not really geared at the problem. If I walk up to you on the street and said "excuse me give me directions please", what would you say...
  10. R

    On Self Image: No 'Self' Exists.

    I agree with the post above this. I personally believe that after the fall of man in the garden that human beings are constantly trying to evolve to that state we were in. That is why every year brings greater, and greater technology, and new knowledge. I think just like everything else humans...
  11. R

    For the more experienced DJ's (advice)

    There are 6 billion ppl in this world, therefore to think that every one who does this wants sex says nothing of the ppl in the world it says something about your peception of the world and that what S.O.B. Syndrome is. It's sex on the brain syndrome or basically viewing and seeing everything...
  12. R

    Obsession with virgins

    For a man there is nothing wrong with having "high" standards. As a matter of fact everything is right with having "high" standards. What you should be doing is encouring him, and supporting him, because this is the type of friend you want by your side. Trust me the older you get the more...
  13. R

    ******** for lets have sex?

    This is how you end up as a nothing more then a friend. Obviously you want to have sex with her, so you need to start making moves. She wants you some type of way now you need to go find out. She eithers wants to sex your, or she wants your attention to possibly get into a relationship with you...
  14. R

    For the more experienced DJ's (advice)

    Another classic case of S.O.B. syndrome.
  15. R

    Undressing in front of you and the friend-zone

    If ever there was a post that needed to praised, this is it. It's so short, with so much in it.
  16. R

    "hey sexy, are you gonna kiss me on a cheek?"

    Great work, but I have watched you develop so Im not surprised. Look keep doing what you have been doing because it worked. There isn't one way to handle a situation, since people are so different, so there are more then one path to get to people. The path you took worked. Just keep doing...
  17. R

    Need help with LTR!

    patience patience patience You do this by not trying to "show" her your emotions. What is the point in that, when it's obvious she likes you how you are now. Keep doing what you are doing, and let nature take it's course. You have initiated, and she has responded, so now enjoy. "If it aint...
  18. R

    For the more experienced DJ's (advice)

    First off I just like to say congratulations on living in the moment, and leaving the stress behind and focusing on having a good time. The ony thing she is trying to tell you, is too not turn to some clingy overprotective insecure guy please. She is fresh out of a relationship and...