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  1. R

    I always hated fill-in-the-blank questions...

    This is where following your head (both of them) instead of your gut causes problem. She already told you this relationship wouldnt be that type of relationship but somewhere in your head(top and bottom) you are develping an alternate universe where she didnt mean what she said, and somehow you...
  2. R

    New girlfriend thinks i fancy sum1 els!! WTF...

    You new girl is not looking to be a mother. She doesnt' want a guy who flips out everytime she expresses her opinion. You are acting like you need to bend over at her every wish. Just because she expressed it, that is her opinion which she is entitled too, that doenst mean you have to now take...
  3. R

    My new username and new me

    I think changing your name is a great start since the old one still has all that old negative energy of the person you use to be still attached to it. I also commend you on the name. In a lot of cultures they believe that a person will inhibit the essense of whatever name they have. The one...
  4. R


    Too much sun can kill plants, too little sun can kill plants. I think you have to find the balance. Internally thinking at its balance is called introspection which is good, too much of it is called self-consciouness-not good, too little of it is called you are an a-hole. It's all about...
  5. R

    I need help - becoming an AFC... or worse?

    Okay so you are already on the path. The only problem I see is time. It takes time to run up 100 flights of stairs, so you just have to wait out the storm since you are already staring out of it. The best thing I can say is try to see past the moment. If you can focus on where you will be at the...
  6. R

    Mission: Lay Hb9.5 Aw /w Bf!

    So you are using all the energy your body has to chase a girl whose energy is entangled with someone else. It's not as if you are saying she is chasing you, you are chasing her. And you somehow can't utilise any of this energy to pursue a single girl who would gladly share all of herself with...
  7. R

    Do women like it?

    Re: Re: Do women like it? Spot on with this one hear-great post.
  8. R

    Too polite, compassionate and sensitive

    Excellent post, and dead on.
  9. R

    I need help - becoming an AFC... or worse?

    First off I like to say I know you can get through it, just as you life wasn't always bad, it will be good again. Secondly you need to change your attitude. The words you typed here are you soul's expression. Even if you don't fully believe it lie to yourself. Tell yourself postive...
  10. R

    my girl told me I was a Jerk

    And so has almost everyone else on this board at one time or another. Life is about learning and evolving to your soul's fullest potential. The wise man isn't the one who nevers makes mistakes it's the one that admits them and change.
  11. R

    my girl told me I was a Jerk

    Yes remember life isnt war you were put here to be happy and so was everybody else. Focus on that in your life, and realising anybody else in your life deserves the same thing. Life is about the pursuit of happiness, and nothing else.
  12. R

    Finally got back my ex g/f

    David told his newest of two cats listen in order to stay here you must 1. Use the litter box 2. not rip any of my slippers 3. stay off of the furniture because I am alergic to cat fur, if you disobey this rules then you will be kicked out. David then left on a two day vacation. Now whiskers...
  13. R

    my girl told me I was a Jerk

    So you are dating your mother I see? Or at least that what it appears here. If you think you are being an a-hole and that does not sit well with your soul, because that is not the type of energy you want to emit then act differently, but if you don't think that then you are supplicating and her...
  14. R

    How to tell her YOU need space

    This girl is not your wife. Your souls are not intertwined, therefore you are free to move however your soul wants to move. Stop looking for ways to get "permission" to live your life, because in a nut shell this is what you are doing. You said she "made" the relationship serious. It seems as if...
  15. R

    Is she a tease

    "Women can have male "friends" while most guys cant" Do you know why this is so because women need more from men then men need from women. Unless she is is your wife, all men really need from women is sex, so its hard for most to have girl "friends". Women on the other hand are different...
  16. R

    Man...I really need some inspiration here, i feel down...

    It's clear as day she does not "feel" the same way for you now that she did before. Her energy is very guarded, why, only you know. If you are true to yourself you have a clue. She may be cheating, you may be suffercating, the relationship may have skip through stages to quick (learn to stop and...
  17. R

    David D. New Material "****y Comedy"

    David D stuff works, and so those a lot of other people's techniques. The reason has nothing to do with him discovering some great mystical magic, its really simple. Go back and watch his sample video again, watch him and everyone else on there. The people on there are all "FREE". They have...
  18. R

    Best mates girl left him for this!!!!!

    This is the modern day equvalent of the old fashion love letter. He is telling her about his life (which all women want to know that they are part of your energy), and expressing the fact that he misses her, and wants to see her. His life is unpredictable whereas you friend was more then likely...
  19. R

    Girls with boyfriends.. Ugh.

    In the long run women aren't really capiable of splitting their energy between two people. Never accept some of a woman's energy, it should be all or nothing. She now knows what life would be like with you, now you need to a. Let her know that you don't accept half of a woman (her presence but...
  20. R

    Do you think this girl was drunk or sober??

    Tell her about you night and that you would like to have her accompany you. Sh$t you are the man of honer, you cant beat that.