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  1. T

    slapping her ass

    I've had a similar experience some years back while under the influence of alcohol. As I left a crowded club and saw a nice ass a couple paces ahead of me that I thought needed to be grabbed. I did, to only be slapped in the face by the girl. I definitely deserved it. I felt like a dirty...
  2. T

    For you haters.

    Lmao.. Chuch!!
  3. T

    I want fat girls

    FAT.. She is pear shaped. Not appealing. If she had on clothes, it would look even worse.
  4. T

    I finally did it... I became asexual !

    Congrats! You should join a Monastery, not sure if they would let you bring the porn though..
  5. T

    Are these shirts gay?

    Is a shirt and a "top" the same thing or only when dealing with more of a girly shirt(top)?
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    cancelled my POF account last night

    Are you guys sure others can see who has you saved as a favorite? I had know idea this was possible on POF.
  7. T

    too many good-looking tall dudes at clubs

    :crackup: I was thinking the same thing... LMAO :crackup:
  8. T

    "I'm seeing other guys, just wanted to be honest"

    So you checked this thread out to see what kind of guys he was seeing to see if you fit the build .
  9. T

    "I'm seeing other guys, just wanted to be honest"

    From the point she tells me she's spinning other plates, no more "nice dates" from me. I'd still see her but it would be more along the lines of come by my place and watch a movie, or lets get a room and hang out kind of outings. Her other "friends" can wine and dine her. If she's really into...
  10. T

    My dad is a lucky man.

    I agree. Your dad is gay. Maybe not. Does he have buddies he hang out with and fix stuff with? Have you ever looked to see what he does on the computer out of curiousity? If he's not gay maybe he's uncomfortable/awkward about letting you know about his relationship with women. He may...
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    UNBORN - The Movie

    ^^I agree. It was a pretty good movie plus it had Megan Goode. Hmm, I don't think I'd say it was mess my pants scary though. l
  12. T

    Strange to see someone in the mainstream news voice out against V-Day

    I luv this,I agree with this guy 100%. I don't know about the encouragment of others not to buy into the commericalism. People can be fools if they d@mn well please. :D
  13. T

    Variety vs monogamy

    If it weren't for std's and risk of unwanted pregnancy, I'd defintiely have to say variety. Condoms Suck! With that being said monogomy, unfortunately would be the safest choice.
  14. T

    Most annoying sayings/verbal cliches?

    "guess what" "It is what it is" "________ goes without saying" "Can I ask you a question?" You just did idiot..whaaat?
  15. T

    What Makes you Nervous?

    Most defintiely, but moreso if I'm walking!
  16. T

    I got sucker punched by some coward this weekend outside the club!!

    It definitely sucks to get sucker punched twice in the eye! But I have to say this is one of the funniest threads I've read on SS in months. I'm at work reading this trying not to burst out in laughter. Is it just me?? lol
  17. T

    Houston, Tx

    Where do you guys usually hang out?
  18. T

    You think you got issues with looks?!

    This statement reminds me of that train scene with the asian chick on the first Hostel movie. That's plain horrible. If you were in that situation I'm sure you wouldn't think this way. But I sure know what you mean. I'm sure he could find a support group,and hook up with a mutated looking chick...