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  1. C

    Hi guys, newbie here to PUA, getting the slow-fade and being ghosted after 2nd daye. Advice please?

    She has been the one initiating the meetup. Was I too lax about this, not taking action on asking her out as well?
  2. C

    Hi guys, newbie here to PUA, getting the slow-fade and being ghosted after 2nd daye. Advice please?

    This makes perfect sense. Thank you. And I should have been more aware about this. Obviously she has just been off of a strong connection to her ex. Was there any point to where there was too much push or too much pull on my part, or even during sex, that might have thrown a wrench to our...
  3. C

    Hi guys, newbie here to PUA, getting the slow-fade and being ghosted after 2nd daye. Advice please?

    Any more thoughts as to what my mistakes where with this experience? Areas that need work?
  4. C

    Hi guys, newbie here to PUA, getting the slow-fade and being ghosted after 2nd daye. Advice please?

    I agree. I may need to brush up some with some fundamental skills.
  5. C

    Hi guys, newbie here to PUA, getting the slow-fade and being ghosted after 2nd daye. Advice please?

    Plus the fact thay she did OPENLY share with me how she missed her ex, but had to 'end it.' And that I 'helped' end it. She also asked if I miss MY ex.
  6. C

    Hi guys, newbie here to PUA, getting the slow-fade and being ghosted after 2nd daye. Advice please?

    I sort of agree. It has been the general consesus among my and a coulple buddies too. So would this be a zero chance to re-engage? I assumed I have built enough attraction and comfort in the beginning.
  7. C

    Hi guys, newbie here to PUA, getting the slow-fade and being ghosted after 2nd daye. Advice please?

    I apologize for the long post. Will keep them short moving forward.
  8. C

    Hi guys, newbie here to PUA, getting the slow-fade and being ghosted after 2nd daye. Advice please?

    Any advice and even criticisms are welcome as I am still somewhat on a learning curve, but here is the background: Girl just split with her ex a month ago, I split with mine a month ago as well. She admits missing him, but toxic relationship. Here are the sequence of events: 1. Came across a...