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  1. I

    Why beta males cling to Disney fairy tale LTR's

    A lot of truth bombs there, but the first part is wrong. Hypergamy is far from dead, but there are many women that don't pursue it, at least for a period of time. As you said, many women chose to date downwards in order to remain in control and dominant. Primal respect for the man goes down the...
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    Girlfriend Is 18, I'm 28 - Bad Idea?

    I'm not sure if that has as much of an impact as everyone says. I've won a girl's friends and parents over and she still wasn't interested haha. I suppose only girls that are easily influenced can be had that way.
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    Think my girlfriend is losing attraction in me

    That mean's nothing. Many girls will never turn down sex, even till the day before she breaks up with you. She could have zero interest level and still never turn down sex. Also her bringing up another guy is a sign of her low IL, and you biting the worm meant that you failed her test. You...
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    Girlfriend Is 18, I'm 28 - Bad Idea?

    That's great, just don't do it with this girl. 28 on 18 is a large spread, but I think the main problem is the 18 part even if you were closer to her age. 18-23 year olds are ding dongs and I wouldn't think of having anything more than casual relationship with one. Think about it, women are...
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    Uber = hot chicks in my car almost daily!

    I think if he doesn't lightly with humour and the girl is decent it's unlikely that'll happen. Also I have a few female friends that said they get hit on by Uber drivers all the time (but never by cab driver), so OP probably thinks it's not the norm.
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    The Poverty Diet

    This is a good statement. I doubt it'll get even a single poor person off welfare though. Poor people have less to do due to lack of money so will often look towards filling the void with food. I quit smoking, it was a breeze compared to quitting daily donuts, soda, icecream, reeses...
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    Im afraid I got some STD

    LOL at the thread, reminds me of when I was a student. Rare to get an STD, and even if you do it can be solved long after. Also it baffles me how a person can put the condom the wrong way, I tried to do it once and it wouldn't even roll. Like seriously it doesn't even roll down if you put it...
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    17 and new to lifting

    If I was in your shoes, knowing what I know now, I would try out a personal trainer 1 session a week. He'll teach you everything, and answer all your questions once a week, and the 2-3 times you go on your own just follow & repeat what you learned. You wouldn't want to learn to play the piano...
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    Here we go again, hairloss restarted

    Most attractive women under 30 don't even consider it. I remember one of my plates mentioned that her ex's receding hair was the cause of their breakup, and another talked about this attractive guy but that he's bald so it's a deal-breaker. Then again some girls like the bald guy, but only if...
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    Here we go again, hairloss restarted

    Minoxidil/rogaine (regaine in the EU) is a waste of time. The results is just some extra peach fuzz and not worth the effort. It works by sending extra blood supply to the follicles to roid up hairs that are going to drop dead anyway as it's too little too late. Propecia/finas actually works...
  11. I

    Low carb no sugar no sex no porn all togheter, cant relax at all

    What are your goals? If you're going under 100g carbs for weight loss then I'd go much lower to speed it up to get it over with. I did under 40g carbs during my cutting phase with diet wheys. If you have no internet then get porn the old fashioned way, or have a gf/date (although these days...
  12. I

    Met girl on meetup, how to proceed now?

    It's, it's many groups in almost every city in the world with some kind of subject (e.g. 18-30 yr olds, young entrepreneurs, fitness, etc). I still think it's terrrible for picking up because you can't isolate and if you mess up it messes you up for the whole group.
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    Met girl on meetup, how to proceed now?

    Think about it from her end. She goes to a meetup to make friends and then get's a facebook message from a guy she doesn't really know and didn't really talk with. Unless she has a love at first sight moment with you then she's not going to want an unsolicited message from you. If you send a FB...
  14. I

    Met girl on meetup, how to proceed now?

    Meetups are terrible for developing plates. Messaging her on FB will come off as creepy. Don't do anything or think about it. 2 weeks later if you happen to see her again then you can try but don't be thinking if she'll show up.
  15. I

    How to up her interest?

    Yeah that's what I thought and what I've always done. There is also a complication that is probably driving my reason to date again. We had unprotected sex 3x times in 1 date and ended up finishing inside on the 2nd time. The 3rd time was shortly after and I'm pretty sure I shoved up any...
  16. I

    From almost in a relationship to nothing?

    If the girl was into him then wouldn't she just continue to hope that he wants a relationship? There are many girls banging only 1 guy exclusively (guy isn't exclusive to them) on that hope. It's pretty obvious that he was just joking around on text and even if it wasn't obvious she would have...
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    How to up her interest?

    I find that setting it ahead raises interest as I don't text/call in between unless it's regarding setting the date, it's like the girl thinks about you all week because of the date she is looking forward to. Our last date was only 3 days after the date before so I think that's where I went wrong.
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    From almost in a relationship to nothing?

    In that case it's definitely either a trick to turn the table or she's crazy, either way don't send a text until you get another one from her. If you've got the cajones then don't send a text till you get 2 texts.
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    From almost in a relationship to nothing?

    I doubt she got any decent information on you and time to think about it in 3 minutes. She's use to guys chasing her or she's uncomfortable with an unpredictable guy. Also she already knew about you and her friend and I've never heard of a girl ditching a guy she's really into because of...
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    No libido, always depressed and weak facial hair = Low T?

    Your problem is the obese part, also obesity can cause low-T. I bet all the other issues are linked to that. You think that you have low T, and if you do then what will you do, use it as an excuse? You can be bald with bad facial hair and it not be linked to low-T. Go on a keto diet to slim...