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    The Tart Of War

  2. V

    what separates us from them - motivation

    Then what makes a guy follow through on what he wants? I understand your point completely, and I agree with it, but it doesn't explain what guys who follow through have that guys like me don't, and more importantly, what must I do to get it. Please don't let it be that I actually don't...
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    what separates us from them - motivation

    Welcome to my world, Double. Every day I ask myself "What the Hell is wrong with me?", but I cannot figure out a solution to this problem.
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    Let us be strong!

    You have to already be pretty damn strong to have the desire and discipline to do what it takes to become stronger.
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    Self Control In Men Today

    Not a one. But then Alexander was born a prince, raised from birth to be a warrior-king, and when combined with the ancient Greek ideals of personal achievement and excellence, it was probably inevitable that he would become the man that history remembers him as. On the other hand, the men...
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    Self Control In Men Today

    Just remember self-control is a two-way street - take care not to lose your edge to repression and self-denial.
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    Habit is All

    FINALLY! Someone admits what I always expected was true! Alas, it does not help me; it just pushes that wretchedly painful first step further back! ... but how can I avoid doing that? They say you have to face your fear in order to overcome it, but how often does that really happen? I'm the...
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    Split Personality, this has helped me more than anything.

    You say that like it's possible. I am what is standing in my way, so I am what needs to be removed from the picture. It seems to me like it would be the perfect solution: get rid of everything that's wrong with me in one fell swoop, then create a personality ideally suited for success. If...
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    Discomfort Zone

    It infuriates me that the only way to get something that I want is to do something that I don't want. Emptiness or pain - that's some choice; you're screwed no matter what you do.
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    Best advice you can ever get: Start pumping some iron

    It is a cruel twist of fate that the easy way should be so unfulfilling ... or that happiness must be bought with pain.
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    Best advice you can ever get: Start pumping some iron

    Then join your local gang and/or drug ring, commit some crimes, go to jail for however many years, and when you come out, women will be throwing themselves at you. :rolleyes:
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    Best advice you can ever get: Start pumping some iron

    True, those women are either too stupid or too high/drunk to know what they're getting into, and the guy also has that "badass appeal" working for him. However, you're probably also dodging the other side of the issue: everybody hates people with better bodies than them, it's human nature...
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    Do not Lose Hope. That which does not kill us makes us Stronger (The Road to Ithaca)

    Re: BE HAPPY NOW! If this is true, then why is it that everything good in life requires struggle and sacrifice to achieve it ... and getting handed good stuff is empty and unsatisfying?
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    You Pus$ies Are Supposed To Be Men

    I'd bet most guys don't even have their own approval :rolleyes: Either that, or they're terrified of their own potential.
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    Best advice you can ever get: Start pumping some iron

    I am here for whatever it is that separates me from great men, the thing that drives them do what most can only dream of.
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    Best advice you can ever get: Start pumping some iron

    Doing whatever I like ends up being exactly the opposite of "carpe diem" - sleeping, eating, TV, Minesweeper, etc. - which is unfortunate since living a full and active life (which I have never done) seems to be the key to happiness and personal achievement. So I have to wait until I care...
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    Best advice you can ever get: Start pumping some iron

    This sounds like work. I'm here for pleasure, not work. I want to add pleasure to my life, not pain.
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    Best advice you can ever get: Start pumping some iron

    Then I guess the question is: what must I do to develop what it takes to be able to improve myself? BTW, self-satisfaction does not preclude honesty. I can see myself as I am, flaws and all, and still not be bothered by it, at least not enough to do anything about it. So you may be right...
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    Best advice you can ever get: Start pumping some iron

    Perhaps my language was harsher than necessary, but I speak out of personal necessity. I am an AFC myself, the worst kind of AFC, the kind of guy who doesn't approach women or do anything to improve himself because it's too scary and painful. You're talking to a guy who, despite being an...
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    Best advice you can ever get: Start pumping some iron

    You're absolutely right ... ... but if the AFCs on this site don't have the balls to talk to women, then what makes you think they have what it takes to lift weights?