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  1. P

    So your girlfriend wants to "take a break"?

    bumpity bump for 2015!!! :D
  2. P

    Anyone in need of a way to make extra money?

    LINK REMOVED Ive been making extra money from here for a while, I'm n ot sure if it will only be a way for UK Dons to make a little extra cash or if others all over the world can too. I know for sure a couple of Aussie guys are making bank, but cant be too sure otherwise. Its free to try, so...
  3. P

    How do u get good at banter and teasing women?

    accidentally gave an ex a black eye with this one.:nervous: :nervous: use at your peril:box:
  4. P

    sound familiar? female version of sosuave

    cos most of the ones that would read and try to follow the rules are too ugly to be picky.
  5. P

    TheStig's Workout Log

    you got a decent squat coming there buddy - im working on doing 180kg - ( I think that's 400Lb) this week. plus just pulled a new pb conventional deadlift of 240Kg. (530Lb?) from deficit!!! keep getting stronger buddy.
  6. P

    How many of you have lived with a gf?

    Yeah don't live with your gf. It looks good on paper and however much it makes sense financially; it's not worth the cost of freedom. You need to have your own space. And what happens when you break up?
  7. P

    Quick question...Why do women give LMR?

    They don't want to FEEL like a slvt. Remember. With women it's ALL about how she FEELS. How you make her FEEL. She can justify anything to herself as long as she FEELS good about it.
  8. P

    Not sure to Next or Pursue

    low/no interest. Next.
  9. P

    Plate asking if I'm seeing anyone else?

    "Sorry, that information is classified."
  10. P

    TheStig's Workout Log

    Good work champion. That 500 feels so right!
  11. P

    TheStig's Workout Log

    Bf At 18% I was so strong. Now I'm more like 11%, cut down due to shoulder injuries, but still as strong (just not on the bench)
  12. P

    Girl deleted beta orbiters texts

    My thoughts exactly.
  13. P

    TheStig's Workout Log

    I'm also curious. I'm not a bodybuilder, but also fitness doesn't interest me. Getting big and fvcking strong does. If I wanted to get fit I would go and ride a bike or some ****.
  14. P

    TheStig's Workout Log

    Sup man? I been away for a bit, good to see your progress here. I just conventional deadlift a new pr of 505, 230kg. Bad summer's training but here we are back on the gaintrain.
  15. P

    TheStig's Workout Log

    Yeah buddy! Hard as I can. Shoulder gives me some **** but I still get it done
  16. P

    TheStig's Workout Log

    good to see you still hitting it up in here man. Huge congrats on the deadlift there. and the Squat too, I see.
  17. P

    TheStig's Workout Log

    You little beast you!
  18. P

    2014 - Raise the Bar ***Lifting Log***

    not gonna lie - that fvcked me hard. went up to 220kg for one rep after and that was brutal. the rest of back day was a little more volume density - I don't think my nervous system could take much more on full strain :D
  19. P

    Opinion on creatine?

    Yes take 5 grams a day cycle it 6-8 weeks on then the same off. Train hard and drink plenty of water.
  20. P

    2014 - Raise the Bar ***Lifting Log***

    Got a deadlift set of 7 on 200kg. Rep pr. Squat has gotten up to pushing a couple sets of 3 on 140kg Frontsquat has gotten up 140 kg for 1 rep. Yeah stig I'm catching up.