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    Boosting testosterone naturally

    yeh, i thought that too. Thanks dude. I saw a little story piece on TV the other day about some people eating bull testes. They asked the people who ate them, and they said that they felt an increase in energy.
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    Boosting testosterone naturally

    so in theory about intaking testosterone,... eating MALE(no cows, ni chickens here) animals with high levels of testosterone in their bodies is a great source of test.?
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    Drink Green Tea if you want to get ripped

    green tea is amazing. i had it 2 nights ago, yeh.. kept me watching porno on the net until 6 am.
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    Destroying Social Phobias

    God, i love this! Simply excellent, Mr. Fingers.
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    What is the absolute best way to burn fat and lose weight?

    since you're latino and so am I, one tip. stay away from the fried food, seriously. a lot of our food is cooked this way.
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    How do you get rid of back acne?

    Neutrogena Body Wash, i've heard it gets the job done
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    get rid of my belly

    diet coke = brain tumor
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    ULTIMATE Dance Floor Guide

    Craig, i loved the advice. I tried the Butt Bump this Friday at a club on a few chicks who were rejecting every guy. It worked 2 out of 5. That's better than having asked and getting turned down.
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    Experimental Designs

    a lame try, here it comes: dress geeky, like a nerd, someone weak. run up to her, make sure she sees you running; it'll make you look ridiculous. Matrix: 'I'm here to save you!' Chica: 'Uh... okay, from what wonderboy?' Matrix: 'From the cops... of course' Chica: 'huh?' [smiles]...
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    HELP!!!A New Alpha Male!!!HELP

    become his friend if all possible.
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    leg cramps

    ok, a quick question icallug, do you masterbate lying down? do not take it as an offense, it's just simply a possibility.
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    shy guys and AFCs....

    ... let's grow balls? eh, yes or no?
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    Something is wrong with 75% of the people that come here (Long Post)

    BBB, i'm always amazed by your posts. Let's hug.... haha. Seriously, great post, looking forward to learning from you in the future.
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    DJ Boot Camp - Week #2

    what are you guys' fave questions to start convo with any stranger?
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    Girls calling me gay.What the **** is this????

    im not going call you gay cuz it's been said in this thread like 200+ times, haha. but you definitely have to change. the shirt, blah! the glasses, sassy! your jaw is all squarish, good if you had the cheeks to help out. something funny about your upper lip, i agree. some dudes look even...
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    Newbie FAQ! Read This Before You Post!

    totally! almost all the questions the newbies bring up can be answered with reading the bible, or if not by searching the forum archives. but you know what, this board would be semi-dead if it wasn't for all these questions.
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    The craziest chick i've met so far... READ!

    i think you're afraid she's gonna convince you to get your balls pierced to your penis. haha. if you like her, go after her that's all. peace.
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    MY bootcamp

    yeh, i kinda agree with Whoami. don't feel bad Sammo though. the first bootcamp task is nonetheless really good, you've at least directed us toward a correct direction, confidence is where it all starts. everyone, have a good day/night.
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    HSDJ Mentor System

    yeh, i think it's too much of us(newbies) to squeeze the juice out of these guys.
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    Getting approached?

    its awesome that whatever you have or are doing is working for you, Fred. you're gonna have to discover what's making you desirable, and share with the fellows here.