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  1. X

    How masturbation affects me?

    The day every modern young boys mojo dies.
  2. X

    Erm…a difficult topic

    So you do not like the truth. But you are right, I am not some woke and gullible kid today. Yes I am a white male, but just not easily tricked. Tell everyone why miscegenation laws have existed? Is it because whites “hate” everyone else, or was it for whites to protect themselves? Here is more...
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    Erm…a difficult topic

    How is my discussion “hate”? You must have went to college to learn to call names like that. And you must have an agenda. There is significant amounts of research that attests to my statements. A lot of it is hidden nowadays by online search censorship but it is pretty much all ancient common...
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    Check this guy out - Asian dude bags model

    So as a new member of this forum, enlighten me, what is the average age here? An American 12 year old?
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    Erm…a difficult topic

    There are people in Muslim Arab countries born with tails because their people rape or have sex with animals with tails and it contaminated their DNA, along with inbreeding. The same happens when “race” mixing between white females and black males. If you look at it with honesty, the white...
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    Cold Approach (Mode X) Field Report

    In my 30’s I met a few older women at yoga classes and this is about right. Some older women make good partners in the bedroom, and they can hold conversations, they can cook foods, they are fun to drink wine with. For me, I only ask out the ones that are slim or petite, but honestly, it is not...
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    5 Reasons Why Women Care About Height

    I think females just seek men who are taller than themselves. Usually 3-9 inches taller will suffice. They like to look up to men.
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    Erm…a difficult topic

    multiculturalism is a tool of war. Only a fool would buy into the lie of “diversity is our strength”.
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    Does sweating and exercise detox the body?

    Maybe it is Phantosmia, I had it one winter, smelling cigarettes everywhere even though I do not smoke.
  10. X

    Porn addiction, Ego Issues, and in a General Rut

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I liked the part about having built a good circle of friends. But you should eliminate the pornography thing.