i talk to a girl who have urinated on a guy in the shower and get them to finger their ****s. so that has 0% chance of him being the father.
she has no kids at 38. makes sense.
what is enough? What happens if resources just flood in the meantime. I got enough food for probably 1 month of two as well which you can eat. money you cant even eat.
Wouldn't surprise me if something like that would happen since most Australians haven't repented and even ones that are in the churches haven't even repented. The new doctrine of lordship salvation which is taught in all new versions of the bible has making people trust in their own good works...
Lol the whole financial system is going down and money isn't going to help in the time of wrath. Just earn enough and don't be focused on getting rich and gaining more for yourself but rather focus on giving.
You have to walk away at the right time. Watching that clip in the movie hitch the guy is still trying to push after the girl is saying no before will smith comes in. You can still talk to her but you have pull back with your body language and words. it's simply taking a step back because she...
David X recommends that movie what women want. I would disagree with how david x picks up and that mode one stuff. I've tried it and I have the girl saying no straight of the bat looking me direct in the eye 5 or 6 days of doing it. Perhaps thats time to pull away a bit.
I've had girls saying...
Not my sort of way of getting girls into you. I would rather not talk much or think much and just look at them until they ask you Do you have a gf later? That's in a work environment. In a club environment its looking at them until they come over and dance with you. In a bar environment its a...
Financially I'm cash poor broke that's why I'm not taking the girl home because i can't drive her 1 hour back. I don't use condoms so I don't see the point even taking her home. I couldn't get a blowy in a alley which i've done in gym/hostel bathrooms before sneaking the girl in because my dik...
No i bolted out the back door when she was hugging her friends. im 30.
Protected sex is a waste of time. I get turned off by it. can't even get a hard **** with condoms. Had a mate who was the same. he ended up banging a alocholic stripper girl raw and told me he can't get hard with condoms and...
I'm not going to get a hard **** even if im rubbing on miss universe or mr universe. I actually have to rub my **** quite a bit with my hand to get hard. Yeah she could of been a hooker she did show me her licence later gave it to me when we were entering the gay club.
the girl was a asian and...
Seems to me people ain't even having much sex whether its unprotected or protected while in relationships. This is just from talking to both sexes in relationships. If they are having sex the guy is begging for it and then end up breaking up and then he might end up banging a couple of girls...
It's not really safe to be banging raw dog it seems. I was a bit worried about even getting a unprotected blowy the other night because i had a sore on my **** from wanking too much. So I sneaked off and went into the night.
I wanted to have sex as well but without a condom. I would rather jerk...
I didn't really have gay guys hitting on me as such like grabbing my ass or pulling my shirt off in the gay club but they would look at me in the eyes and then start giggling and perhaps look away then look back and try and dance with me. I was around girls and making out with them so perhaps...
I think I can get mad attraction from girls every time i go out. I could be wrong but i honestly think any guy can get this from women.
Getting the lay is a personal choice and is a extended thing of the pickup process. A guy at the bar was saying to me that girl keeps coming back to you when...
How does a guy deal with being in love with multiple girls and getting married? And then the honeymoon is a absolute mess in every case no matter what he does. Divorce seems like the only option probably from the female catching him cheating and stealing all his wealth lol.
Well the honeymoon...
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