The problem is that you are a placeholder and/or she cannot form healthy attachments.
Anytime a woman is extremely direct in saying she’s not sure what she wants or she’s not good enough for you it means it’s not going to last.
Be prepared ant any time to walk.
She’s literally giving you the plot of the movie. Yes actions and words need to match but when a woman is laying it all out or acts like she’s not good enough for you it’s because she’s not.
Be ready for this fling to end at any minute and start looking for something new.
I’m a little late to party. BPH, as fellow over analyzer, the key is to figure out the mistakes, snag points, etc and understand the why and then figure out to avoid traps and what to do.
When a woman says that she can’t kiss because she will want to **** she’s testing you. She saying that...
It’s quite simple. Women contact you out of the blue because they want attention.
When you were talking to her before there was at least one other guy that she was more interested in and she chased after him. It their list. didn’t work out and she hadn’t found a new guy to fixate on.
Until you get further away from the situation it’s hard to see things clearly.
No man is good enough for a BPD chick. They are a Kobyashi Maru, an unwinnable situation. Try to understand that the issue you need to work on is understanding why your self esteem was low to allow her terrible...
Women who are into you will not confuse you.
Avoid trying to parse everything a woman says.
It gets back to how much interest is she showing through her actions not her words.
Talk is cheap. Most women cannot be straightforward when it comes to telling a guy they’re not interested.
In this...
Great work, you handled it with aplomb. There are a few other things you could have gone when she went the e-mail route, but in all likelihood it wouldn’t have mattered. She was involved with someone, but she found you attractive.
I don’t think people have been espousing ignoring social
Except that what you are saying isn’t true, because you are basing your thinking on anecdotal evidence of the one happy couple you know, and ignoring that divorce rate is nearing 60%.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting to have a...
Again you are judging him based on your perception of his value to the opposite sex. He may 8.5 in looks but perhaps he sub communicates unattractive traits to women. Or he goes after women that aren’t interested but only pretend to be interested or he hangs out with people that create...
Good grief man, what are you trying to achieve? Blame his failures on women being ****ty? Ok, great then what he’s still having issues.
There could 1001 different reasons why he’s not succeeding.
At the end of the day you either accept failure or you stop blaming things out of your control...
Women like to fluff talk guys who will swallow their bull****. When a woman says you’re an amazing guy but I’m going back my ex she’s covering her crap with febreeze like grains of truth to kill the smell of the steaming pile she just laid.
The way to tell how much a woman is into you is by...
What he is saying make sense from the perspective of not wasting time on an ex. She reaches out and you nonchalantly force her hand. Either she comes back and wants to screw or she plays games and you move on immediately. Why waste 4-6 weeks gaming her when you can distill her intentions down...
What I’ve found is that you should be open to people of all age groups. As mentioned married people tend to gang with other married people and so single people in their mid 30s and 40s get tossed to the side of the road. The beauty is that being single allows you the ability to fit in with all...
In that outcome you can have them play a silly game (roshambo, have them each give you a massage and better massage wins, each kiss etc.) to see who is coming with you.
The key is to force a woman to make a decision. Even if you get rejected it has value because once you get rejected you begin...
Part of being successful with women is playing off your style/personality, but it needs to include a devil may care attitude and no fear of an outcome.
My guess is that your friend hasn’t learned how to channel his sexual personality.
Reading the art of seduction would help him identify what...
The perfection thing is a lie we tell ourselves to avoid rejection. We justify a failure to approach women by defeating all chance to begin with because it’s easier to say I’m too out of shape or too broke or I drive a ****ty car, or my job is boring etc. The problem is that the more you rely on...
Scent is a big deal. Cologne is like frosting on a cake. Sure the cake is the main part but he frosting can lure someone in.
Men should have 5 colognes and purpose is for what you doing.
You were a different cologne at work then you out at night or during the day etc.
My prior lineup was...
Get to the gym, but for you and you alone. You intimated that you are dissatisfied with your fitness level. Don’t coast by on money good looks etc.
Women check out of relationships while still in a relationship so that when the end comes they’ve already mourned the death of the relationship...
Shoes are extremely important. Ever seen a guy with a great suit who has shoes that don’t match? It sticks out like a sore thumb.
Men should have around 9-11 pairs of shoes, which includes athletic shoes.
The key is to recognize what fashion works for you.
Find a gay friend or a fashion...
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