A girl(23) I matched with on tinder told me "I live too far away from the bus stop to be practical to go into town" when I asked to meet up.(it's -8ºC and ice/snow everywhere, I get it)
I said: "I have a car, let me know if you want to meet up"
The she went silent for 3 days, didn't even open...
Hey you all, since it looks like things are gonna double down on political correctness and women will be handed over they keys to everything. How will dating go? Are we all forced to go MGTOW or will that be illegal soon and we are all assigned a government mandated wife?(probably fat).
I agree, but that's not what they think, so it's important to use language they understand. Abortion is objectively murder, but not everyone is capable of being objective, so you communicate using their subjective reality to better make yourself understood.
The objective reality that abortion...
If women are given the choice of what happens with their body, men should be given the choice about what happens with their wallets, and alimony/etc shouldn't be by default, only if the man agrees.
Usually I ask them out. The ones I'm not attracted to ask ME out more often. Usually they make the first physical move. I'm trying to find those who WON'T make the first physical move so I can remain dominant.
I've gotten friendzoned after banging for a while. But anyway, why would you text her like a male girlfriend? You need to meet up or it's over.
If a girl is far away from me I don't text her every day, we keep it short and sweet maybe once a week or less, and whenever she's closer by we go out...
100% not, dude. We seem to have broken up but friendly. In the meantime she told all her family to go **** themselves because they accused her of being emotionally unstable. I think she's BPD, hardcore. But she isn't open to the idea. Her plan is to buy a plane ticket to somewhere warm and...
...and to fix this we create more tools to allow them to do this. Meanwhile they all collectively think there hasn't been a time when they've been more oppressed than now.
What I'm doing isn't gaslighting, She's the one doing it, 100%. I'm just not sure how this case would go in court because she's a wahman.
I've told her that she's the one gaslighting, but then she says I'm just projecting and being toxic.
It's an actual law right next to physical domestic abuse. Whether or not this would fly in court I don't know, but she does have the power to make the claim and build a case on something this fickle.
But at the same time give them a feeling of taking responsibility? She would go from "I'm not a victim, I take responsibility for what I do" to "all the problems in my life are because my mom wouldn't pay for my holiday 6 years ago and I never met the man I manifested to meet during that holiday".
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