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  1. F

    Leading but not when it comes to commitment?

    I hear a lot about men taking the lead. But most guides mention waiting for the woman to push for commitment. Looking back at my life there have been very few cases where this has happened overtly. If I didn't pick up on nuances and took the lead, I basically wouldn't have had any relationships...
  2. F

    How do you keep things alive with distance?

    More than 3 days has been the case and could continue to be so.
  3. F

    How do you keep things alive with distance?

    There is. My town has better weather than hers and is closer to her parents. She has said that she has thought of moving closer to her parents and somewhere with better weather :)
  4. F

    How do you keep things alive with distance?

    Very hard to do I am. Had another one over last night. But, guess what, it was pretty terrible because I was just thinking of the other one. The issue with her being a 10 is that I need another 10 to get her off my mind.
  5. F

    How do you keep things alive with distance?

    I'm not going to do a committed long-distance relationship. If I ever make that proposition it's with no/little commitment. And to keep seeing each other once/twice per month. If we're still having fun in a year then we'll talk details. I don't want her to feel trapped or act needy. And also...
  6. F

    Woman attacks feminism and wants men to be men

    Well, she's a marketer and is doing what creates controversy. Take it with a grain of salt.
  7. F

    The Biggest Bullet You Ever Dogdged?

    Has to be this: This girl I was dating claimed I was gaslighting her by not acknowledging her horoscope as reality.
  8. F

    How do you keep things alive with distance?

    about 2 months. I told her I'll be in her town on the 7th and asked if she would be free. She said she'd let me know. Should I have instead *told* her to be free? She's made time for me before even ignoring important university work by overstaying at my place. So there's interest. Although I...
  9. F

    How do you keep things alive with distance?

    I've met up with this girl 3 or 4 times, but we live far and when we're not together there's basically radio silence besides some photos of one of her hikes or something she cooked. Neither of us are the chit-chatty type and we're both pretty busy with other stuff. How can I keep this alive, or...
  10. F

    Why do people behave this way towards me and how to address it?

    Not as tall as you but muscular/lean, very attractive, and on top of that I'm a low-key genius. People get envious. I find that some women go out of their way to hurt me more or something, but this is just their trauma speaking. No need to take it personally. When in groups of men I tend to pull...
  11. F

    Insecurity disguised as low interest.

    I've been told I give off player vibes, even when I was still a virgin. Makes the game a bit harder, especially when I'm the opposite of a player. I'll be sure to add this persistence :cool: normally I ask once and no more.
  12. F

    Are you guys gonna get the COVID vaccine shot?

    Nope. Not this time. Maybe in a few years if the virus is still around.
  13. F

    In October I was living in a van. Last month I billed a client $17,000.

    Yup! I track my monthly earnings and the biggest peaks happen after a down-period.
  14. F

    In October I was living in a van. Last month I billed a client $17,000.

    A tough breakup led me into a bit of a down time that ended with me leaving my flat and moving into a custom made micro-camper-van that I lived in for 6 months last year. No income besides benefits, and when winter hit it got quite miserable as I had no power(solar). (did bang some chicks in it...
  15. F

    Just walked past some HB10s...

    Maybe this is what is ****ing my brain up with the girl from the banging in the woods thread. If she isn't a 10 she's a 9.5. Simply ridiculous.
  16. F

    Men Who Cold Approach Should Be Proud

    so you basically told her why she shouldn't **** you instead of letting her figure it out for herself? This is a low self-value thing.
  17. F

    Men Who Cold Approach Should Be Proud

    Women take longer to develop attraction. Triggering the "intrigue" from the start is not bad.
  18. F

    What type of women are your kryptonite

    Why is it like this?
  19. F

    Chick wants me to break quarantine rules to bang her in the woods

    I don't. Well of course she can yes. I'll pursue other women while waiting.
  20. F

    Chick wants me to break quarantine rules to bang her in the woods

    lives far. has mentioned the possibility of moving here because then she's also closer to her parents and the weather is better. I'll wait