You're being a bit too neurotic and it's not attractive. I've never, EVER, had this conversation. There's a difference between dominant and domineering.
A girl I know has admitted to me that she used to absolutely love male attention. Especially from hot guys. If she went out to a club and didn't get the attention she wanted, she would literally break down and cry.
This doesn't matter. Get a feel for them first to ensure they're no mentally crazy, and just don't treat anyone badly. Nothing to go wrong. This Monday in the gym I had two brief chats with two chicks I've been involved with (didn't meet them in the gym, though), nobody cares.
Dude, I live in the richest part of the suburbs over here, and even the 60+ women are total babes rivaling women in their 20's. A woman can be hot for a long time.
Go look at her parents (not just mom) it's a good indicator of the genes she has and how health is seen in the family.
Used to think that until a girl described exactly how hot I was and all the things I made tingle. They're just not (always) obvious about it.
That pill is too black. Reality isn't this bleak bro. Go outside.
The hottest girls I know go through the "ho" phase very quickly, if at all. They're...
idk what I changed, but yesterday I was a magnet. I guess it was the slutty club types but they all said "they don't usually do this". Ended up making out quite passionately with one of them and she wanted me to come over at closing time, but I got a text message from another one and went to her...
The zoo and fast food? She'd probably be more interested if you just invite her over with clearly sexual goals. When she isn't replying, she probably has a guy, she remembers you when she doesn't and/or things are rocky with the other one.
One chick I opened mentioned no bf, exchanged...
This won't last forever. I give it the winter. She keeps busy. Two jobs (one full time). 50% of her free time is with me, 50% with friends/family.
It's funny how women communicate. The other weekend she went out with 3 girls, and she was telling me how all they wanted was d1ck. And that these...
Well, same. Within 24 hours of the first time we had sex I had two others come over. If it's this easy for me, I know how easy it is for her. She stopped now and so did I, but it will of course not last forever (for both). I'm betting it lasts for the winter (typical pattern, ltr for winter...
It's more than just smashing, but yes. I think at some point I'll feel when her feelings change, right now she's enjoying it very much. Still doing approaches like I normally would, I have no fear/anxiety of her leaving, which also changes how we interact. I'm not "nice" and tell her no when I...
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