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  1. F

    8 yr LTR since 19 now engaged then I was red pilled...

    How jacked are you? You can flirt with other women to get an idea of your value/attractiveness. If you're attractive to other women, your girl will realize it and her sex drive will magically change, I guarantee it. A long relationship like this is still fulfilling, but you need to be having...
  2. F

    Has anyone been rejected as brutally as this?

    Stop using these words and go outside bro.
  3. F

    Sudden Urge to Look at Old Flame's IG page

    I have two of my exes as "close friends" on IG. There is genuinely no flame anymore and I genuinely like seeing them happy no matter who they're with. I broke up with them though, if that changes anything.
  4. F

    Having 2 girls over for a nude bodypaint photoshoot

    I mean, they will be posted/printed eventually and she'll see them anyway. Good to note that this is how I met her too. Would I be OK with her doing the same thing with another photographer? Probably not. I thought about asking her if she wants to join.
  5. F

    Having 2 girls over for a nude bodypaint photoshoot

    They also want to paint on me. Should I tell the girl I'm seeing?
  6. F

    I Feel like Meetup is a waste of time

    Working out. Mostly legs/core on some big staircase. Not a single guy ever joined. It was always just women.
  7. F

    I Feel like Meetup is a waste of time

    Speaking from experience? Mine is the opposite. Don't let the problems in your head keep you from acting bro.
  8. F

    Is this mind gaming or just low IL? Need Advice.

    This is about having the conversation and making it explicit. She can see other dudes for any other reason like to not get too attached to you, etc.
  9. F

    I Feel like Meetup is a waste of time

    I used to host workout meetups (focusing on legs/core) (via fb, but the point is I organized it myself) and women would join sometimes I think just to meet me (some came just once, others became regulars). Not even kidding. Not a single guy ever joined. Organize your own stuff, women like men...
  10. F

    Is this mind gaming or just low IL? Need Advice.

    The reason many men say this is because they're afraid of rejection. I assure you, having that conversation doesn't have to be overly serious nor awkward. A simple "I don't want to share you" is enough to get the point across. You don't need any labels associated with this. If she's into you...
  11. F

    Also got the number of a chick with a boyfriend

    Was out last Saturday with some friends, we ended up sitting with these girls. I was speaking to one of them and it was ok. At one point I asked her for her number. She says "oh I have a boyfriend". I said "and I have a girlfriend, it's 2021", and got the number. It's that easy.
  12. F

    The downfall of civilization is upon us.

    Always has been.
  13. F

    Plate asked me if I am seeing other women

    4 months isn't early!
  14. F

    Has anyone noticed a general change in public opinion about the unvaccinated?

    Both sides are confirmation bias sides. You know who isn't? Fence sitters.
  15. F

    My GF wants to arrange a threesome FOR me...

    How recent is this? Almost sounds like initial borderline lovebombing
  16. F

    Has anyone noticed a general change in public opinion about the unvaccinated?

    I'm the only unvaxxed in my family. My dad got the first dose and got a stroke doctors said he wouldn't recover from (bounced back to 95% though, which was not expected). My mom got the first dose, felt like **** for 2 weeks and now has fluid around her heart. (doctor was dismissive of her when...
  17. F

    Saturday Night. What's the Plan?

    Girl was out with her girlfriends in the bar across the street from where I was with my guy friends. We're back to tables on the dancefloor and no moving around really allowed. But they got some action by airdropping selfies to random women. Drank a bit too much and had a lil headache in the...
  18. F

    Is it normal not to want girls that like you

    Have you read about attachment theory? Could be the case. Are you attracted to them until they show attraction or just never attracted?
  19. F

    The 3.5 year 'War of Commit'

    I've said it before, will say again: a high quality woman that has options won't be in a casual relationship for this long.