You don't always get rejected because of you. Many women aren't capable of of responding to stuff in a normal way.
Women 19-25 can be EXTREMELY shy these days, especially around attractive strangers. The shyness goes away with alcohol generally, but you shouldn't underestimate how shy women can...
Possible that she's saying the truth. A chick hit me with something like this once because she tends to get clingy in relationships, but we just took it slow, still together and with good boundaries, no clinginess. She never ended up feeling the negative things she thought she would feel.
If it's a one time drunk thing, I can see it. But premeditated like this it's a little spicier. If you do it once and regret it, don't mention it. If you feel the urge to keep going just end the relationship.
Are you me? With no beard I get asked for ID. Some 16-year-olds guessed I was 19 the other day.
And no need to lie, but you can be coy about it and never actually say it.
The only people I see talking about bands are
1) people who aren't strong or muscular
2) people who got jacked with weights and now sell bands to type 1
Even at 15 degrees I just warm up after running for a few minutes. Just gotta make sure my ears are covered and I'm good to go. If it's sunny and no wind I will even end up in just a T-shirt. I grew up in a very warm climate but just adapted naturally to the cold. Anything over 68 is too warm...
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