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  1. B

    The worst AFC song ever!

    ok, youre not going to believe this, but here is the Most AFC song THIS SONG IS RIDICULOUS, IT SHOULD BE OUTLAWED FOR ITS PATHETICNESS. ITS BY BUSTED. READ THE LYRICS AND YOU WILL LAUGH. ITS LIKE READING THE AFCS BIBLE OR SOMETHING. Crash & Burn (changed name to You Said No for single)...
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    The Ultimate Testosterone thread

    Ok, the following is a list of stuff that will raise your testosterone that i have come across, anybody like to comment on any of this or expand on it? Also, is ZMA safe to take if you do not work out? Peanuts/nuts/peanut butter Olive oil/canola oil Broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts...
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    anti-anxiety drug: Paxil Quest.

    Hi, im also on an antidepressant called DOTHIEPIN. Anyone know about this one? maybe you could ask your doctor about it. I know you still have to wait about a month for full effect and then cant come off it quickly but i dont see that as bad. Anyone taken this?
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    Being a challenge is useless????

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    Question On Sexual Potency

    i have heard that hot baths can reduce your sperm count. This is why i ask. Apparently if you want to remain sexually potent and not have any problems in later life, hot baths are not a good idea...
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    Question On Sexual Potency

    So we know that high temperatures on your nuts is bad for your sperm count. Does this mean that placing them in cold water etc for lower temperatures will increase your sperm count? and what if sperm count goes up? does this increase drive?
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    Stamina - increasing it

    ok, this may sound like a stupid question, but will increasing 'stamina' for weight lifting and exercise etc increase my staying power in the bedroom? Because the old waiting to *** when you jack off is kinda annoying and means that i should like jack off a whole lot just to get the practice...