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  1. U

    she has a boyfriend, what to do?

    In short, I think you should strategically detach from her – showing or not showing your interest first (I’m not sure about this). If you keep that way you will enter friend zone and later will be late to get out. Ulex
  2. U

    Being an extreme Jerk for a day

    Just want to share this experience. Although my general charm, I still keep some Nice Guy behaviour with women. Yesterday I decided to change this, and I became an extreme Jerk for a day, with some woman I know (this are officially friends, although there is some magnetism). I use extreme...
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    What do you think about Blind Dates???

    My opinion is that a DJ, if free, should not refuse a Blind Date, if invited. He should see it as a challenge to seduce one more girl, or in the case things go wrong, to learn something more with the *social* experience. He should entail the spirit of sports, like going to play a football...
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    Lancelot, Guinevere, King Arthur

    Guys, for those who now the legend, I’m in Lancelot’s skin: There’s this 29 years old blonde girl who’s going to marry with a rich older and ugly guy. There’s no turning back on this: family involved, property, … Nevertheless she’s fallen for me (I’m too sexy and charming) and for the last...