Search results

  1. buddhafukko

    Jehovah's Witnesses women (or similar extreme patriarchial churches)

    Yea I'm not talking about joining a cult
  2. buddhafukko

    Jehovah's Witnesses women (or similar extreme patriarchial churches)

    The other day I was working in my house when two drop dead beautiful gals knocked on the door. They must have been around 23 and both where basically HB9-10s, especially considering they dress very modestly in long dresses and don't slut it up with makeup or attitudes. I pegged them as JWs in a...
  3. buddhafukko

    Being seen with escorts

    I tend to agree a hb10 is gonna be highly conspicuous but I notice a ton of girl-next-store (~SB6-7) style chicks on Seeking Arrangements, Sugarbabies, and even on cheesy Friendster type sights. A lot of these gals are on dating sites for free meals and perks anyways. It's not like I want to pay...
  4. buddhafukko

    Being seen with escorts

    Anyone hired a super hot escort just as arm candy? I'm in a new city and I I go to several pretty swinging events a month. I'm aquainted with a lot of peeps at these places, but I have never showed up with a date. Pretty sure that being seen with a SHB once or twice would do wonders for my SMV...
  5. buddhafukko

    At what height does a guy stop having a disadvantage?

    6'2" here. Doesn't hurt but by no means does it magically attract women. I've noticed many taller men and girls can be slightly shy. What made a much more noticeable advantage was working out and getting my body athletic.
  6. buddhafukko

    Question for very attractive dudes

    Don't filter out hot women. Use them like they are using you. You want your entourage to be as attractive as possible. They have basically done the work for you. Besides, if they are hanging out with you they are open to you making an advance, no matter what they say or believe. If you don't...
  7. buddhafukko

    Men are your competition, not your friends.

    Furthermore, friends are your competition. The closest of friends are destoyed by women as a matter of course. The best approach is to compartmentalize your relationships. Basically business.
  8. buddhafukko

    Reattracting ex?

    Good advice, I need to forget her. It's a odd case because we never broke up it just fizzled out. I guess in the end it's the same as rejection.
  9. buddhafukko

    Reattracting ex?

    I know the motto of "one chance per person per lifetime", but I've had several rekindled LTRs with ex-GFs from my highschool years, a decade later. In all those cases, I ended up ending the relationships after recognizing they weren't the quality of females I wanted. I think a large part of that...
  10. buddhafukko

    Anyone over 40?

    Fair enough but OP specifically is looking for a relationship.
  11. buddhafukko

    Anyone over 40?

    No, literally everyone quit reading SS at 39.999. You are BSing yourself. If you could manage to lay a hot over 30 woman you would in a heartbeat. So you aren't interested in casual sex at this stage of your life, but you are if they are under 30? You admitted that you haven't had game since...
  12. buddhafukko

    Slvtty Women with Daddy Issues - Good or Bad?

    To beat the horse, they are good for hookups or casual friendships, but bad for relationships. The problem is trying to force them into the wrong box, which you can scarcely blame them for. They aren't equipped or capable of pair bonding or meaningful commitment.
  13. buddhafukko

    The females I'm living with...

    This is the problem.
  14. buddhafukko

    article: 7 Big Mistakes Men Make When Texting Women

    This is one thing Corey Wayne gets right. Avoid texting at all costs, keep it to a bare minimum. If you say something stupid, no one can keep hearing it. One stupid text gets reread dozens of times and can easily end a good thing.
  15. buddhafukko

    It's Embarrassingly Pathetic How Women Can't Even Cook anymore

    One gal I date is a trained gourmet chef and she teaches me now and then. Others had varying levels of cooking skills but truth is I never dated for food, the great sex and good times were things I couldn't buy or do myself. But even my GFs with pathetic lack of domestic skills would make me...
  16. buddhafukko

    Why are so many women "life coaches" these days

    So I guess this means I can tell my fiances that Trixy is my life coach. Kidding aside, I am quite certain one I dated was in fact a very wealthy divorcee, and she at least had a Facebook group, youtube channel, and some Nutrition school certificates. Still, looking at her videos I felt like it...
  17. buddhafukko

    Why are so many women "life coaches" these days

    I've met and dated quite a few wealthier women in the past year, and a large number of them are "life coaches" of one form or another. I have a suspicion. Many of them are divorcees who landed large alimony settlements from their ex-husbands. They don't make much money, if any, at their coaching...
  18. buddhafukko

    It's Embarrassingly Pathetic How Women Can't Even Cook anymore

    Who is it embarrassing for if a woman isn't interested in cooking for? If a woman likes your enough she will cook for you, even if it's just top ramen she will make the effort.
  19. buddhafukko

    Women Have Infinite Options

    It's really not the case, women rarely hit up men, even 10s, outside of dating sites. Also they aren't fighting for commitment so much as following their biological drive to be knocked up by a 10. They are concurrently actively seeking a beta to care for their offspring. Most of female (and...
  20. buddhafukko

    Women your age shaming you for preferring women 10-15 years younger

    Honestly it's far more taboo (and frowned upon) for women to date younger men. Furthermore, the concept of "the wall" as being a female phenomenon is largely wishful thinking by bitter men wanting revenge for their sexless youths. Older women can and do prefer youthful sex partners, they just...